OK my mum stake. I was supposed to write an entry last week but due to the events that happened late last week I was swamped! Thursday before last I was driving home I wanted to stop and talk to my neighbors but I was very nervous. I closed eyes and I took a few deep breath. I tried to can toelf s
Down. However...
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June 2nd 2012status uncertain. Recent events- areas followed. Today is a party. If you asked me a few months ago I would have told you that it was a party that I would have looked forward too. A party were I would have been welcomed to have attended and my company would have been highly appreciated at. But through no fault of my own my...
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I guess it is time for a new blog. Right now I have the house to myself. To some it would be a good time to have a wild party. But I am actually looking forward to some peace and quiet. My sister is coming back from our birth state of ny and she is going to be be going her children. Is there chance...
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Happy belated cinqo de mayo. Even though I don't know any significance beyond the date aside from the holiday. Last night I went to a Mexican restaurant. It was a unique place, in a sense because it was not a chain restraint. Normally I only eat at chain restaurants or at malls. I mean, why let all the teenagers have all the fun right? Let...
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I sit inside as I write this blog. I am afraid to go outside. When the weather is this hot a man like me should avoid the outdoors. I hate hot days I really do. I am thinking I need to move were the weather does not get in the third digits. Or not this early maybe today is just an exception. Maybe tomorrow it...
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Oat i had to fill my car. I had such a headache that it was hard for mekay today is day that i would really want to forget. I had a really bad day today. First off i lost a part of my earing. I zpent almozt twenty minutes looking for it nd i did not find it . On top of to drive.it is...
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Yesterday was the memorial for David Wellhouse RIP . His family has been close to mine for nearly half my life . I would have lo go to the funeral but i missed it . frown First i was told that the funeral would start at on an to be at their house by noon. I woke up early i shaved got dressed up and i...
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BLog time !!!!!!! and boy oh boy the events from the past few weeks have been epic ! there has been a shitload of fucking drama like you wouldn't believe !!!! First of all there has been a tragedy . Last thursday a friend of the family's texted me and he told me his dad had passed away from renal failure and a SIT load...
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another blog time , and once again i feel unprepared . It is like i am a secret agent and i am about to e de-briefed . I always have something to write i believe that every one does . At one point i gave up on my writing . BUt all of the sudden i had a new idea . It came from a...
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Feb 12 2012 time is passing by . As the days og by i realize more and more that 2011 is gone and 2012 is just beginning . found out something important this past week . I can not say if i am dissapointed , nor can i say i am not dissapointed . After all said and done i have grown numb . Waiting...
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