We are having and Indian summer where I am, but I often wondered if they call it a British Summer in India if it pishes down the whole time?
The reason I mention it is that I am still waiting to take possession of my new bike. I get to go see it and pet it and stroke it tomorrow. I will take pictures. It...
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Yes, photos are good! Did you go for the traditional green, I can't remember? Had a belter today, by the way. Got to work at 0730hrs, thought bonus, have a brew, clean the badge, chill for a bit. Beret? Left it in Edinburgh...
2 1/2 hour round trip for a fucking wooly hat I didn't even wear all day. Dick...
Oh laff, I laffed an' laffed an' laffed.......We have all done that shit before. If you look you can see the black paintwork is stained with saliva marks where I dribbled on it. 20th November I pick her up. You know Deutchland will be tits deep in snow by then.......GGGGRRRREEAAT !! mad
Why does technology have to be so complicated? Why can't it be simpology? I am a simple man with simple tastes and simple demands. So when I press the button that says, "press me and this will happen", I expect that function to happen. When a human says things they are expected to be able to do those things, it's called integrity. So why doesn't...
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Any friend of Lofty and all that. Yeah I've got hero, but I'm shit at it, can only do it on easy/medium.
So.....it's saturday its beautifully sunny, and not too cold. I should be out on my bike tearing it up around the roads...B-U-T...The bike is still in the shop because the faceless bureaucrats still haven't sorted out the registration. Are they doing it on purpose? Do they know the torment they are putting me through? Do they even care?
So instead I am washing my smalls...
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She has came across now then? Ah, mate, that will be him being all mature and grown up now, right?
Tell him from me, "you've changed." wink
I will be around for pretty much all of December, so we will need to get together for a bevvy, no doubt!
Super.....I think a paintball tank is something we should put together and sell. Some idiot will buy it. If not it will just be fun to trial it.....bagsy I'm not the first to see if 120mm paintballs sting!
As for Stan, "my boys all growd up" (sniff). eeek
I read somewhere that quizzes are quizzical......so what are tests?
If you feel you know someone, but can't remember their name what do you do? Other dilemas in life are just as trivial and have just as easy a solution, it's only that you may not be able to see it.
We are here to have fun and enjoy the short time we have, it's...
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Hey you! Looking good in the pics I gotta say. Hope all is great in your world. Hugs

Nice bike! Nice tank too BTW, but I don't have a driving license for one of them mean machines! As for tank #22 - I assume it was fired upon and not rolled by the driver?!!!
My mate Karl introduced me to SG. Cheers Lofty !! I am too old for most, but I don't care, I want to have fun, when I come home after bashing bad guys, I just want to kick back with a vodka and laugh at the 'normal' people....