I'm on a path of discovery. I'm the kind of girl who has always been happy to live inside a bubble. I desperately feared change, abandonment, being alone. I spent much of my life defining myself by this group, or that group, morphing myself into what I thought my "friends" wanted me to be. What I failed to realize, most of the time, was that...
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Sad story, what happened to your friend.
Sounds like you are on a good path and in a good place.
Best of luck with your bicycle.
Thanks! Overcoming fear is tough, but I'll get through it.
This morning my son decided to call his grandmother and tell her every negative thing about me he could think of. All because I told him to turn off the TV when he wasn't listening to directions. It hurt, probably far more than it should have. I try so hard to be a good mom. To raise my boys to be good, kind human beings....
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oh no frown that really does suck. I'm sorry.
Yeah give it time, it gets so much worse then what happened today. BTW, your Mother should have shut the shit down before it even got started, and if I were you, she and I would have to have a little Come To Jesus meeting about her encouraging the little tykes bad behavior. Justsayin.....
Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in a loop. The eternal optimist fighting to cheer up the pessimist who sees himself as a realist and can't see his own negativity. I try, time and again, to get him to see. It doesn't work, and all that happens is instead of me just being frustrated, now he's pissed and I'm just tired. Of all the stupid...
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Do you know what God you're really worshipping?

The other day, I decided to look up the origins of the Easter bunny. I mean, it's an odd concept right? Everyone knows, rabbits don't lay eggs. How does something like that come about. Found some interesting information about the Viking goddes Oestara, and her pet rabbit. She's the goddess of fertility, and she and her rabbit...
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There are so many things that the average person believes is solely Christian and couldn't possibly have roots outside the faith. My favorite Christian or Pagan fallacy is definitely the Easter bunny one. I think that most Christians also believe that their religion holds the patent on the Golden Rule. Currently, I am on the fence about the depth and strength of my Christianity, but that is another story.
I too have been on the fence about my own Christianity for a long time. The more I learn about religion though, the more I see that the basics are often very similar. Believe in a higher power, be a good person, and rewards will come your way. I find that my lack of strength in Christianity has opened the door for true learning about other faiths and beliefs, and allowed me to see things that I wouldn't have been able to spot as a "true believer". Sometimes I feel that it's not as important what you believe, as it is to believe in something.
Made it to Oregon, and we're now in the process of unpacking the hundreds of boxes that have contained our lives for the last year. It's kind of surreal, finding things I haven't seen for so long. Makes me realize I probably have way more stuff than I need. I guess it's time to purge again. Not quite sure where to begin, but I guess...
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Welcome to the site, and good luck with the new digs.

I guess I should start by introducing myself. I've been married for over 10 years now to my wonderful Matthew. Together we have two adorable boys. Life is in a bit of a transition phase right now. We're in the process of packing up our lives and moving to Oregon. A new life, a fresh start, in our own home. I'm excited about the start...
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i wish you the best for the future smile
Had so much fun hanging out at Club Suicide LA! Your butt is very photogenic. wink