At the country club the old men sit in a basement wearing a snack-bar mask. They grunt and groan through a day or cards with one another, carrying a tradition as far back as they want to remember. I want to ask where their families are, why they aren't somewhere being a grandfather, but I never know how to say it. The drawer spins out...
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Ketchup/Lust For Life

There wasn't much he didn't already understand about life. Julian could tell you so much about what so much had meant to him. He understood so much of the life he'd lived, he could tell you nothing of anything about any life he might yet still lead. At thirty-four years old, he was already just a bit too old for anything but...
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school update

My mother is coming down as hard and fast as she can about this idea of going to graduate school for creative writing. She will not help me, or support me. She says she loves me and cares for me, but she washes her hands of my financial life should I decide to go. This is ok for the most part, since I've...
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Moving home to Ohio in just about two weeks. Excited and shaky about the whole thing. My life here in Portland is falling apart all around me, mostly by my own choice. Friends don't speak to me, my job I just grind myself through. It's all about time ticking now.

Life starts up again just as soon as I can get on the road.

Sometimes I think that today would be a good day to go. To just float up out of the world without notice, not sad or happy, not depressed or uplifted. Just out of the thick of consequence.

But...Today is a better day to stay. To plant my feat into something, someone, or somewhere. To crystalize myself in arching patterns of love. To fall flat on...
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heh, I remember that show, in bits and pieces. That brought back some memories, thanks. biggrin
hey, what's up bud? Not sure if you remember me, but I used to be "mst3kfan" and "darkshades" (not sure what I went by when you left), and i'm sorry I dropped you. I didn't know you were gonna be back. So, wanna be friends again. For old time sakes. Remember I hooked you up with that "Conversations With Kevin Smith" thing on youtube about a hundred years ago. Anyhoo, take care. smile
I'm back on the site, and I'm not sure I'm happy I parted with the money, but I think I'm really going to enjoy accessing the site again. If nothing else, it gave me an endless stream of news and media to filter to those friends of mine who don't have an account.

Nice to be back.

I'll write a real-life update as soon as...
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I've got about a week left of membership here. I think I might opt out of the cancelling and stay on. It depends on how much money I get make this next weekend. There's a big party going on at my work, and if I can get in as a bartender, than I'm set for awhile. If I get just one of the basic serving...
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Well, it's good to see that you're still making an attempt to stay on this site, at least to maintain the friendships you've made. I do really hope that you stay on for a little while longer, but I also understand the lack of fundage. However, if not, I'll e-mail you whenever I get the chance, you can e-mail me too if you like, my e-mail address is munster0216@hotmail.com.

I really love the way you write, your journals always leave me thinking about moments in my life. What are you moving away for? Where to? Are you excited or scared or both?
Fate... it's a funny thing huh?

Oh, by the way, I would send you pictures for you to fix if I could but, unfortunately, my computer keeps on dying everytime I get just one picture up on the damn thing. Well, keep in touch... kiss Kari