I hate daylight savings time. Whoever thought it up.....I don't know how to complete this thought, but I think they should get rid of it, and any arguments I have heard IN FAVOR of it have been pretty trivial ones.

I don't want to reset all my clocks and such. The whole thing is a pain in the ass. but I guess I really have...
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same here. it's not that great.
I just looked on the wilco website a few days ago and learned that they encourage taping and exchanging tapes of their show.

So.....Now I am on the net downloading the audio of the whole concert!!!! Plus two other concerts.....Just to hear how those are and such.

While waiting for them to put out more new material this will at least be something different to...
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I felt totally like shit for the better part of last night and thus...I am going to go to bed here in a little while. I hope I start feeling better soon. It's always something though.
well, it is 8:50 and I am going to watch a simpsons here in a few minutes I guess, because I haven't seen any for quite a while.

Me and a friend played burnout 3 for about 3 hours this morning.....Fun game.....Some of the stages are races....others you just have to plow into other cars as hard as you can and try to create huge...
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x-men legends is the best!
Pending the outcome of monday night football I should move into first in my fantasy football league.....It's pretty fucking sad when that is like by far the best news I could tell anyone right now.....I pretty much feel like shit. I wish I could control my nerves and such better. I felt like shit earlier......like lightheaded and pissed and hungry/sick. All because I am fucking...
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masturbate! it makes everyone feel so much better!
I am so addicted to Wilco and Jeff Buckley music. I am listening to Minus 5 "down with wilco". It is a band (of sorts?) called Minus 5 with wilco members playing too....I pretty much love it although it really isn't too wilcoish if there is such a thing. It is really cool though!!!! Jeff, John, Glenn and former Wilco member Leroy Bach as well...
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leisure suit larry??
It's my brother's birthday today, but I can't call him or anything. He is in North Carolina or something for his new job and I don't know the number or anything so I guess I will mentally wish him a happy birthday and hope that will suffice.
Ok. So it's now Saturday morning. Work was fine I guess. There are these cans of cat food we've had for over a month with no spot, so I made a spot. If they don't like it....oh well. I think it was necessary.

I ended up finishing fable the day of my last comment. Cool game but too short, and more or less too easy...
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Sushi is lush, though. Fish tastes a lot different when it's not cooked. Quite sweet.
haha@ making a spot. who cares what the day people think. they don't do anything most of the time, anyhow.
I haven't updated for nine days so I figure I will write something. I went to the doctor yesterday and told him that I stopped taking the effexor and he was cool with that so that's good.

Not a whole lot is happening. I have been playing fable on xbox a lot and it is pretty cool, although I get the impression it is a...
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ooooooooh fable. it's good, eh?

love doesn't exist in the real world.
Ok....I am probably going to lose my fantasy football game it would seem, plus the titans and packers and Idaho Vandals all lost. Not good.....Idaho still hasn't won a game under their new coach but I guess hopefully they will start getting better soon....besides that, they played two of their three games against pretty good teams.

Not much is happening though in my life. Just...
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Well I went to see wilco in Dallas Yesterday. It was a pretty awesome concert. I was hoping they played a little more of there old stuff, but they didn't....although I like the new stuff a lot, it is really growing on me. They played California Stars, which is a really awesome song. mostly they played stuff off Yankee hotel Foxtrot and A ghost is...
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sleepy time!