Are there Zombies in the Bible? Nope.

ZRS Blog
I don't love Zombie at all - I don't even like them. They scare me.
hey there hope all is well!
Ive long thought the question of best Zombie weapon was both too broad and too variable to reach a singular conclusion. For every defense scenario, a new set of factors will inevitably dictate the ideal tools to get the job done. But I recently decided I needed to take a stand on the issue, and started with a simple process of elimination.

* FIREARMS: Unless...
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the ability to dispatch a zombie at distance is key. crossbow or compound bow... silent and reusable ammo, can easily penetrate the skull to destroy the brain. while a bow takes some training it has a much higher rate of fire. while a baseball bat is a decent improvised weapon, it requires strength to be able to crush a skull with a single hit and might require multiple blows to dispatch a zombie. one would be better off to fashion it into a tetsubo or trench club. a designed weapon will always outperform an improvised one. a well made sword or machete is a better choice. a few mins a day with a whetstone will keep it serviceable. a glaive if you can find one would be even better. one should take some martial arts classes and familiarize oneself with medieval or martial arts weapons to be better prepared for a zombipocalypse
Maybe there's a smiley face on one of those bottles and he treats it as if it is his friend...although I guess that might mess with ones head when you have to drink its 'blood'. hm. Scratch that idea.
It stands to reason that Zombies must decay at a considerably slower rate than humans if they are to represent a credible threat to civilization. Now, ZRS Researcher Dave Cogan offers one compelling theory of how this longevity might be accomplished. Sleep.

See full article HERE.
Despite popular belief, human hair and nails do not continue to grow once a person has died. True, all cells in a body dont stop functioning at exactly the same time, but the resulting growth is negligible.

The appearance of hair growth in the dead can be explained by skin drying out and receding. This causes the familiar gaunt appearance, and also exposes hair that...
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Damn and I was hoping to be a hairy zombie.
Yeah, I was a little disappointed myself. Guess I'll just have to grow the beard before I get bitten. Not sure what you're going to do...

Along with the others
In the back who smell worse
Than I do
I slept on the cold ground last night
So I sleep on the bus today
And miss my stop
Getting off in a bad neighborhood
Where poetry can kill you

Taken from: Project Dust World blog.
It's the end of the world, and you're hungry. What's the eat? How about a nice bowl of steaming rat blood soup, followed by some cat meat?

More at: Zombie Research Society Blog
Best martial art to use against Zombies? A recent study suggest it's Judo.

See the full article at: Zombie Research Society Blog
hahaha, good to know!
Nancy L. recently asked if it's likely that the Federal Government will shut down the internet during a Zombie outbreak. Her theory being that in order to avoid mass panic, a complete online communication blackout would be put in place.

There certainly are precedents for the government controlling - or cutting off - the flow of information to the public. Two such examples come to...
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Thanks for the add smile
thanks for the friend request. :batattak: