I Listened to With Teeth today 1.5 times. God damn. God Damn it was good. Completely worth the 4 hours stood in line just for 1.5 listens. and I snagged the 7". More to come but I have to just soak it in and let it rest.
are you telling me you got to listen to the whole album already. holy fuck hole! that is awesome. i dont know what else to say but holy fucking shit ass dildo fucking cunt hole,i like to stick my dick in it, while listening to With Teeth.im really drunk right now and i love to leave drunk comments. biggrin
You rock! kiss
No work today... So I wrote a new song. First time in about a year that I had the time to sit and write a song. It's a strange kind of unfortunate that the band is so busy that I can't write new music. We're not busy enough to quit the dayjob, but too busy to put everything I've got after work into new material....
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i saw the aniversary tour and the WWIII tour. they were fucking great. at the wwIII tour i saw them at the Irving plaza in nyc and i was so fucking close i seriously could of head banded jules's guitar, i had to keep my hands down cuz i didnt want to interupt his playing. your right man Lucia is so beautiful and she is such a cool chick. i got to meet with her and sasha on the aniversary tour. both are cool as hell but i definately loved talking to lucia more and she gave me a hug.i know its not much but i loved it. as far as kmfdm getting better, i agree and dont at the same time cuz i love all their albums but WWIII was just fucking excellent. i got their opium album a few months ago and was very surprised with the sound they put out in 84.if u dont have it,get it. its a lot better than their 84-86 album. i cant wait for FUBAR either.
I will look for you. smile
I am drunk as fuck. never happened with the vowels this weekend. my boy joey played and he was beautiful as ever. ran into an old friend jay who i haven't seen in 2 years and am pretty sure that he finally admitted to himself that he is gay. he looked so hot. very hot. Drinkhouse introduced me to Gang of Four's music and it...
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hey, getting drunk and leaving comments is fun....so my music is pretty diverse but its all electronic except for the guitars. im always interested in collaborating with people. thats awesome you have 7 people in your band, i cant find one person around me that is dedicated to making music and if i do they are not open minded and i dont like that...that fucking rocks you got Martin Atkins to drum for you. looking foward to hear that song. Pigface is going on tour this summer.
gang of four rocks. and death to smileys!
what a weekend. partied hard on saturday. made plans to possibly go to the voodoo music festival in n.o. nursed a hangover on sunday. now i have an unexpected day off of work. working on a cover of the smashing pumpkins "eye". will also update www.convertto8bit.com sometime today. now for some reason sonar keeps crashing when i have 2 instances of vokator running. now i...
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You are going to fast for me in the NIN group. smile

It's awesome, though so don't worry. smile
Work was crap. the massive hangover did not help at all. of course how else can i pay for the plane tickets to get to coachella.

shameless self promotion:

coming soon:
convert to 8 bit's first collaboration with drummer extraordinaire and founder of Invisible Records, Martin Atkins of P.I.L. / Killing Joke / Ministry / NIN / Pigface / Damage Manual /

now to...
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You shouldn't fill my head with such dirty thoughts so early in the morning! eeek
worked on new music tonight. as always. found out some possible bad news. relates to what happens if everyone in the band has sex with each other.

work sucked.

i love sam.
I hope you aren't mad at me. frown
You know you can comment in my journal. It might be faster. tongue