Dear SG Community,

I'm not happy.

Not that you care...

That is all.

hello! thank you very much for the friend request! we are in touch, Regardskiss
Whats the matter? frown
Give me something to write about...
Pain. How's that? smile
Write about the last memorable day you've had. A day that was just plain fucking amaaazing. I'm a sucker for details so get balls deep. wink
I light this candle for you.

The flame, like the love in your heart,
grows with an intensity reflected in your eyes.
I should've told you that a fire that hot...
can only do one thing.

The wax begins to trickle down,
like the tears that ran down your delicate cheeks.
When I told you how I really felt...
you didn't say a thing.

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Like the rising tide,
you threaten to take me away.
I would slowly drown...
and that would be okay.

No more loneliness...no more pain...
You are the one who washes my tears away...

Like a faithful dog,
I'll keep you company all day.
It only takes one word...
just tell me to stay.

No more loneliness...no more pain...
I will be the one to chase...
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Good morning, SG!

I hope last week wrapped up nicely for all of you, and that this week is treating you well. smile Mine was eventful. No photos to share. Every moment was just a little too intimate for that...
Anyway, I'll just post this and be on my way. wink

Top 5 Picks Of The Week:

1. Black Balloon - Goo Goo Dolls
2. Fade To...
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Good morning, SG!

I decided it might be a good idea to start up my Top 5 Picks Of The Week again. I haven't decided if there is an actual reason behind it, aside from sharing what I'm listening to with all of you. Does it really matter though? smile Didn't think so. Here we go!

Top 5 Picks Of The Week:

1: Revocation - Cradle...
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