golden day to all smile

i felt like a blog, just because. im also smoking bong, just because wink i recently quit the job, which brings the most fun, internetting, and my favorite, FINDING! ive realized i find the most comfort in solitude. locked in a room, drowning myself in thoughts. and ofcourse seeing all of the beauties of SG. who couldnt.
ive been thinking alot about...
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Thanks for the add
thanks dear!
blog blog blog.

please relate.
im from the smallest fucking city, Fargo ND. google it. youll laugh.
im one of VERY FEW(and by few i literally mean a few) nihilists in this town.
i smoke greens, all day.
i also smoke cigarettes, and wish not too, but its too fucking fun.
i hate the bars in this town, they are full of fucks, so i...
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Could be worse, could be from Glendive like me. I went to UND actually and a bunch of my friends live in Fargo now and I wouldn't mind going there, of course it's roughly 15-20 times the size of my hometown.
have you tried looking on the sgphotographer hopefuls group? they have a listing of all photographers in different areas that want to shoot for sg. that's a good place to look smile also if you just go around and ask good photographers with portfolios you like if they're willing to shoot you (nudie) you can see who's willing. that's what i did at firstg but then i found brooklyn yayy! anyway good luck

...Not the sad, fuck my life kinda way.
I'm feeling the best I ever have. It's weird because I woke up a few days ago, completely new. Uplifted. Its an unreal, and fantastic feeling. My energy is high and I can feel myself needing again. I woke up Reborn.

SO. Because of this new spirit I've acquired, and that my birthday...
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Oh I read it and I am happy that you are feeling completely new! That is an awesome feeling. Smile and have an amazing weekend
Early. But I am first.
Happy birthdaybiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
Ive been a Very Bad SG Member...

this year. this year im going to blog post, whether or not i feel like i have any bit of interest going on.
this year, i WILL get off my ass and actually do a photoset, as ive contemplated it for 3 years now, and obviously wasted some time considering its been 3 years. shit.
this year, i...
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Well then, it's time to be a good one and get it done! wink
Thanks for the comment to my new set "Digital Love" smile