It's Friday - yay! Going clubbing later on, it's been a while since the last time. I should go more often because most clubs are just within few minutes from my apartment. It's actually a lingerie fashion show first, which is sponsored by one of hour clients. Should be fun! wink After that the club opens to the public.

I love the new Slash clip, Fergie...
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Fashion show...nice! I hope you had fun clubbing. I need to listen to this song when i'm alone. Fergie is awesome...did you see "Nine"?
I do need a routine too, it sucks when I have to plan around other people though. I was getting up at 530, showering and getting everything ready for homeschooling P but my Mother said it was too early and to homeschool him a little later in the morning so now it's all shot to shit. I need to just figure something else ot because this isn't working. Nothing is. I need a plan.
That guy is a lot of work. I look for an escape from my life. That is why I attach myself so quickly, I think. And without that, I'm afraid of how i'd feel. What a mess. frown
So my vacation is over, the trip to London was a blast as usual. I just love the city and its energy, even if I come home broke every time. I'm already planning my next trip, it's off to Marrakech, Morokko, in December. They have some of the most amazing hotels there. This is the place I'm looking at:

Dar Seven

So I have a...
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Glad your vacay was a blast. I hope someday I will get over there...I've always wanted to.
Good luck with the position...I am STILL unemployed. :/
The song is great. smile
Of course they are....NJ is great. biggrin lol
I have a break coming up next week, my first since I started my job back in March. The plan was to take it when it was still summer, but I had to postpone twice due to pitches and other work related projects. Of course now it's almost snowing already, so I'll probably hop over to London for a few days or just stay home...
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I know I am supposed to make myself happy and be happy with myself in order to be happy with someone else, but I haven't learned to do that yet. I do look toward others to make me happy. And somehow, they do. Or don't. I just don't know how to be happy with myself.
I don't know what will happen with Vinnie. I feel safe because I KNOW him already, you know? I need to feel safe right now.
In the last few days I have been reminded that you never know what your day will hold. So right now, I am just taking it day by day and waiting to see where the chips may fall. smile
You're right. Why do I always need someone to keep me busy? lol
It's been a while since I posted anything here. Life's been really good, my job keeps me busy and I enjoyed the summer to the fullest. Hope everybody is doing fine.

Brand spanking new and my favorite song of the year. Epic!
Hey you! love

Diggin' the new profile picture!!!!! Yum!
You're right...we all do stupid things when it comes to love. I ignored the red flags because I didn't think that he would lie to me. I know I'm naive.
I have learned my lesson for sure. The internet has totally sucked me in. It has made me a different person. Especially this site. In the 18 months I have been on here, a lot has happened. A lot had to do with him, but I rarely leave the house now and I don't talk on the phone to anyone, everything I do is through texting or emailing or whatever. I am actually seeing a doctor because of it. It's crazy. Little by little I am trying to get back to normal but it's been very hard for me. Sounds silly but it's been kinda scary actually. I have taken up sewing and making clothes, that has kept me away from here for a little bit at a time, and that's been good for me. And yes, too many weirdos and fakes in this world. It's so sad. I am such a real person, and I am just looking for something, someone, real, that has a real heart and soul like I do. Who knew it would be so hard.
I know, it's a bit late, but I went to see "Avatar" last weekend. Not quite sure what all the fuss is about. Yes, visually stunning, but the story is beyond cheesy and so is the look of the movie, not to mention the bad acting. I can't believe Giovanni Ribisi, who's one of my favorite actors, sold out for this crap. It's like "Pocahontas"...
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February?! Where are you? lol
Are you in hiding? lol
Are you ever going to come back?? xo
Wishing every one a happy New Year!

To those of you who sent me best wishes for 2009 - it didn't work! Send me money, booze and gas coupons for 2010. Thank you! tonguebiggrin

I'm in love with Miss Platnum - she's the coolest artist right now!

Working out...hmm..I should do that. wink LoL
I woke up thinking about you...how ironic is that? How are you? I miss our chats. smile
I went this morning, it was just to her house and she said nothing about the piercing so I think it's ok. smile Didn't have to prove myself because we've worked together before and she called me because she knows what I can do. biggrin
How's the job search going?
Thanks for the comment on my new set in MR, "Office Pet", Its was sweet of you <3!
"The morning brings the mystery, the evening makes it history"

Some more Robbie Williams for ya today. I picked up his latest one this afternoon. It seems on every album he has one song that really touches me. It's no different with his new CD "Reality Killed The Video Star". The first tune, "Morning Sun", is just pure magic. I like the melancholic vibe and...
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I wish I could. frown
I definitely don't want my old one back...i want a new one. wink lol
Good luck to you sweetie xoxo
Looking at all these cool Halloween pics on here kinda bums me out. We don't really celebrate it over here. It used to be pretty much non-existent, now we have at least the occasional party, but nothing really elaborate and we definitely don't have kids going trick or treating. When I went to college in San Diego and LA, we used to have the most...
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I've moved my dreams to bigger and better things. Manhattan is so 2 months ago. tongue
hahaha no but it does sound like MY life. LoL I am an old lady now..when do I become a Cougar? I actually had a 21 year old interested in me...that's kinda scary...younger than my brother. I would be way too much for him to handle. hahaha
It's a show with Courteney Cox-Arquette. biggrin
I just knew that balloon story was nothing more than a bunch of hot air. I saw the entire family on "Larry King" the other day and it was so obvious. It's one thing to try to make the headlines, but (ab)using your own kids to take part in it is just plain sick. I hope this guy and his wife get a proper fine....
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awww thanks lol ...that was after he lost half his costume...he was SO hot he kept taking off piece by piece ha ha
I SO want the piercings! smile
Halloween wasn't very big over here either, I was disappointed. Weird.
I went with black. I will post pics soon..only had my cell so the pics aren't great but you'll get the idea. smile
and thank you for your compliment!
I had a job interview today with an agency that would hire me - with a 25% pay cut. I had spoken to them already a couple of weeks ago, but they declined because of my salary demands. Yesterday they called again and asked me to come in to discuss the whole thing. I was surprised they'd even get in touch with me again and...
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Dad's are great. I love mine. smile
I hadn't heard of them until last night either lol.
Glad you decided to turn that job down, I agree with you..they are taking advantage. And I still can't find a job, btw. frown
Awww, I wish I had that kinda of relationship with my Dad. I'm happy you are having such a good time with each other. smile
Not sure if I should enter another long distance relationship. I met a girl in London three years ago. We got together a few times after that and had a really good time but then decided not to pursue it any futher because of our busy schedules. A few weeks ago she was passing through Zurich and we hooked up again. She's been texting me...
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Did I not tell you that she wanted to hook up?? I love being right. biggrin
I never find anyone near me either, I don't think it's because you have commitment issues lol.
I think you should try and see what happens. wink Sounds like you two hit it off well.
I haven't seen Curb Your Enthusiasm, is that weird? ha ha
Did you see Zombieland???
I'm just wondering, is there an age limit to SG sets? It seems almost everybody is in their early twenties. I would really enjoy to see the occasional set from members in their late 20's and 30's. Perhaps they don't or rarely exist on this site because they're married and have families?

Went to see "Pelham 123" last night. What a great movie! Denzel and...
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LoL yessssssssss.....Of course I have to put it ALL on at once hahaha smile
Which? It's dark now...the bottom pics are what it is now, purpley. wink