i have amazingly woken up without the regret of not having died in my sleep. it's been a shitting few weeks, maybe it will get better now.
I know the feeling. Anywho, I'm new to the site (and to Madison) and figured I'd whore around it (the site) for a while and get to know some people. So I guess this is me saying "Hi". biggrin


[Edited on Aug 21, 2005 1:09PM]
Hah, sounds good. I'm always up for a good, drunken time. tongue How can I get ahold of you offline to hang out?
so i'm going out with boy i met last friday whilst very intoxicated. i hope he's as much fun sober and i really hope he likes me when i'm sober. i tend to be a little quieter when sober. i almost took him up on going to milwaukee, but then thought hm this saturday i actually want to get my set taken so i'll have...
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haha..had to rethink that? yeah....it'd work until you wanted to go dancing tongue
cause yer boy sucks? haha j/k
aw i added a new picture of my new haircut it's in the folder labeled b&w even though it's colour.........yeah, if perchance you care, there it is. and no jeff there are no new naked pix. you'll just have to wait.
well...i wish i was up there so i coulda seen what was down yer shirt haha...or other places tongue. so where are the new pix that you said you were gonna take?
I just got my haircut, too!
Liberating as all hell, isn't it?
Not to have to feel your hair on your neck all the damn time.
I've got what I like to call my "Trent Reznor Hair" now... longish and jet black.
In the past I've had what I call my "Motorhead Hair"... down past my shoulders and regular ol' brown.
Damn this is a boring-ass message about hair... puke
so i've been talked into going out every night this weekend. and i went out last night, why am i such a lush?
ah isn't life fun? two days ago, everyone loved me and my life was great. so now we're back to a sucky place. ironically my most important relationship is better, but friends and work are shit.
well it's not that bad, but i'm having some friends issues and i'm just feeling incredibly stupid this week.
kick your friends asses and tell em to act better smile
Thanks for advice. I haven't used salts at all on my piercings, although, now that you mention it, I do remember a friend saying somthing about it....but I typically don't listen to them, because most of them are full of shit toowhatever My nipples thank you again wink
i think i need a small break from life this weekend. usually i party all weekend. this weekend my only plans are go to see duke's of hazard (sorry it holds a special place in my heart) and go to fetish night at the inferno.
exciting times. i'm not even hanging with the usual group of people for all this. i need small break from...
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i got a new ipod! smile
well things were really sucky here for a while, but they're alot better now. Things have definately changed for the better.
oh i'm trashed and i fucked up my knee. i don't think i'll be able to walk without hurting for a week at least. it's ok because i have kickass boots. i had alot of slow comfortable screws tonight. mainly cause the bartender at lava lounge is a total hottie and iwanted to have my way with that boy. and then elizabeth fell on her...
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hey...if you want me to be all yours..you've got it babe smile you made out with another girl and i didn't get to watch? frown frown you make me sad in pants haha. oh babe i'm sooo fucked up right now...yay for heineken!!! let's rephrase this....you took "almost" naked pix for me tongue if there were naked i wouldn't leave the house haha. more pix are awesome...i'd owe you more orgasms or somethin smile
awww..you poor thing. is your boy takin care of ya or do i need to come up and do it?
somebody else who lives in my house needs to get his own fucking life. he's driving me insane!!!! i want my own friends, he should fuck off and his own friends. that's how we've always worked that's how i like it. i live my life and he lives his and then occassionally we'll interact. i do not want to be cuddled at night, i do...
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why am i awake at 5:30am????? this sucks! ok i have to get ready for work. frown
5:30...ick. i got up at 11 tongue