im almost done on a new painting, its of a friend of mine she asked me to do one of her but i have not seen her in awhile since she's chasing some fool and she forgot all about me, i dont even know why im even going to finish it blackeyed
im bored so im going to get fucked up tonight at the bar! ooo aaa
same shit diff day whatever
so im back from viva las vegas i swear i have never been so drunk and had such a great time!! kick ass bands great people im going back next year!!! ooo aaa
ahh another keene-ite...nice to know there are more of us...hope to catch up with ya and chat sometime
well im off to vegas ooo aaa
ok I guess time for an update, well im just getting ready for Vegas yay! I cant wait, I got new glasses but of course drama had to unfold over simple things take my glasses I heard I was being made fun of by someone I used to know at my job i dont even know why they would its not like its important. So...
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so im going to the viva Las Vegas rockabilly weekender that's coming up in a few months!!!! I cant wait to go its going to be my first time in Vegas! I hear there's so much to see at the show I just cant wait, lets see other new......... not much just still same shit diff days same old drama and what not.
but fuck...
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how was vegas man? biggrin
im never going to drink again! puke
yeah you will!!

thanks for voting for me!
well time for a new post I guess low and behold I got the tree up without to much hassle and put the gifts out I bought it's been a slow week mostly cold as hell!
and im now on two different personal add sights lol one for gothic people my friend made me do that one and a rockabilly one I could look at...
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same shit diff day whatever