Been more then a month since I've written my goodness. Well the holidays were a success and saw a lot of family which can be either a bad or good thing. But in my case it was good, and I have started school again so no more being lazy and sleeping till 2pm... darn.
As of lately I have been craving a new hairdo. Color,...
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So to start off, I am switching to a vegan lifestyle. I just feel yuck and these past few days I have gone cold turkey(tofurky?) and I feel better. Physically and I suppose to a point emotionally, I have always been a huge advocate of animal rights and I like to volunteer at the SPCA in my city. Even with PETA I can agree with...
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Start Rant
Is it just me or is Facebook a pariah on our whole culture. I am SOOOOOO thankful that I did not have facebook when I was a teenager. I mean Jr High and Highschool was hard enough, I couldn't imagine it now with the internet bullying and what not. I just find that nothing good comes from facebook, or any social website (except...
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Facebook is not necessarily the problem; however some people ON Facebook have problems. I have Facebook to keep up with friends far and near. Don't play the games or download any of the apps, it's just another communication tool. In and of itself, Facebook is neither good or bad, it's just a something that can be used for good or bad.
Yes it's generally the people, but from my personal experience, it's a curse. Things the generally wouldn't happen to me in the real world have happened to me from facebook, and I'm far from stupid or irresponsible. Though I am a anti-stupidity advocate, and I always fight that cause wink.
Man haven't posted in a while so I thought I might write something up. Currently working on a project for my design history class and I'm intrigued to see how it plays out. I had thought up a topic to do that I was interested in, as well as thought others may also find interesting. The Golden Age of DC Comics. So that's around mid...
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Sure they can't get married, but you can go to Vegas and marry a one-toothed crackwhore you met 15 minutes ago, ohhh yah "sanctified". Are you married? Does is reallly seem like a gift from "god" to you? They should get the right to be as miserable as the rest of us wink.

Fck H8!
Howdy. Great shots. That first one is awesome!
..looking like a good time:-)
So this Friday I will be doing my first S&M fetish girl on girl type photo shoot.. I'm kind of excited. Can't wait to see how they turn out, and I will be most definitely be posting some of them up on here.
Not really that much to post today, slightly boring I might add, just wanted to post my excited me. So I will...
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/Rant start
Oh school, why art thou such a hateful bitch.
you torture us all. You may never know pain until trying to memorize a gazillion different things for any type of art history. In my case, Design History.. and... I .... think... I .... may.... kill... someone. Why MUST we memorize all of this that we may and will never use in the near...
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What is it about friends that convince you to wear a dress and head out for a night of dancing. Honestly, I never wear a dress, I think I look weird in a dress. But friends have the amazing ability to always make you feel great about yourself. So this post is mainly to commemorate all those girl-friends out there and say... God(or whatever) bless...
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I think that I most definitely hurt my neck Monday night at Rusko. I can barely turn it one way. Although it may have occurred as I was sleeping. I may never know.
Missing 3 classes to go to the show was probably non- beneficial for school this week. I just really don't want to go. I'm hoping that this Thanksgiving weekend I can catch...
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Minus the rotting flesh part...
I saw rusko in toronto, with crystal castles, It was absolutely insane! Hope you had a good time.
Oh definitely had a fantastic time.