So I interviewed Robin Guthrie of the Cocteau Twins yesterday. Interesting guy...very down to Earth.
So Robot Record Party is getting close to launch. We interviewed Wanda Jackson today. What an interesting lady! Her and Elvis toured together on Elvis' first tour. How can that not be interesting?

We've got enough material for the first 4 shows but want to get 6 shows ahead before we launch.

The show is modular, and I think each party stands alone well enough.

1. Song Reviews - We review songs that are put out on artist and label websites. We talk about what we hear in the music, possible influences, why it's interesting or sucks, etc.
Oh, did I mention it's random what song we'll get? It's kind of MST3K in that vein.

2. Interviews- We want to talk to both musicians and music-lovers. We want to get to the heart of what turns people on about a certain song, artist, or album. We want non-ironic discussions about the nature of music and why it affects us so.

3. Music Term of the Week- We've been working with a friend who is a doctorate of composition about musical terms. We'll try to cover one each show in an interesting and entertaining way. For instance- What is a Concerto? What differentiates that from other musical movements? Or another week perhaps- What is Reverb? All the while we'll use funny and effective musical examples to illuminate the term.

4. Point/Counterpoint- Must think of a better name for this. My parnter, LT and I will take opposite sides of a musical issue- and believe me when I say we disagree on plenty. He thinks the White album is the Beatles worst album, I think he's insane as it's easily in my top three favorite Beatles albums.

It should be shaping up to launch in the next month. (cross fingers)
Yes, it's cheezy. But I can't get this ELO song out of my head. Cheezy though it may be, it's also absolutely beautiful.

The painted ladies of the Avalon
play in the sun,
Take to the road,
to the North there lies the chills of cold,
to the South there lies the tales untold.
But in between there lies
the place to close your eyes....
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Let's all be pals and go on adventures!
Happy bithday! biggrin

Now as an over 30 person, come join Sg Geezers group with the rest of us oldies smile
Well, kicking in the New Year was a blast! We had a party at our house and saw friends old and new. I had taken the week off to prepare for the party and get some other things done. Now that I'm back at work, it actually feels as if the new year has officially begun.

I began another diet, less a diet- more a...
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Cute kitty! I give in to my cat and let him outside...thank god I live in a quiet neighborhood with not alot of traffic. Thanks for your comments on my set! blush kiss
I went to Indy yesterday to do some work for the sales office up there. They needed to do some on-site client audio recording and couldn't figure out how to work the new minidisc player. So I show up to show them how to use it. I drive up from Bloomington, walk into the office and greet the saleswomen I'm gonig to be teaching and...
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The beloved Friday night gathered around me, I slink upstairs after a too-early drunk and sober up post-pizza. My pal Mike came by and I showed him something funny and something creative. Friday nights are strange little resorts of time. One is possibly tired from working yet, more than likely, wanting to take hold of the notion of the week's end. Usually this involves some...
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thanks for commenting on my set. Im glad you liked it. smile
Let's all be best pals and go on adventures.

Whattaya say?
Shuffling around in the cool summer air after a week of sweating under the weight of heavy weather, I shrug my shoulders and think about my breathing. This is hours before I double over in pain from a night of dairy. Remind me I should never eat iced cream or drink milk after the sun goes down. The trees and the breeze caress me like...
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thanks! biggrin

I've never heard of the place you mentioned. But i officially love coldstoned. biggrin
There was this time I turned over in my bed, wrapped in sheets and sleep, and simply fell into the ocean. The water didn't startle me. Rather the slow motion movement of cotton draped around my body lulled me into a sort of trance. And when I did finally open my eyes, the salt burned my retinas and made me feel alive like I had...
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Dear Diary-

Today I had an elephant ear with Suzuki in the park. We folded songbirds from embossed golden paper
and laughed when they didn't sing. The trees were greener than I had remembered. We tore
sugar and bread from the damp paper plate and looked at each other and just laughed.

I hope tomorrow is a good day.