Ok, since my last journal didnt have any reply i will only talk to myself for now. so here it goes :

Sebast : So how was your weekend ?

Me : Well, it was the funeral of my mother soo... whatever

Sebast : hoo, yeah i forgot sorry

Me : nah, its ok

Sebast : So i was told that you'r trying to have a...
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Thanks, I love it quite a bit as well biggrin
hope things get better! *gives big hug*
Ok, since my last journal didnt have any reply i will only talk to myself for now. so here it goes :

Sebast : So how was your weekend ?

Me : Well, it was the funeral of my mother so whatever

Sebast : hoo, yeah i forgot sorry

Me : nah, its ok

Sebast : So i was told that you'r trying to have a...
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I'm in love love . Her name is Virginie. She is the girl that i met the other day. Now i dont now if I should call her first or wait for her to call.

I'm selling my mother's car. Its a van, lumina 2000 like new. I'm selling it for 5500$ neg.

I'm feeling a little better now.
I'm felling a little bit better....

I already miss her...

Now i hate God more than ever for this
Essai de te changer les ides le plus que tu peux!! frown

Its cloudy now.....

My mother just die, she was 40. frown

I'm not felling very well so i wont be updating for some time.

frown frown whatever
I'm very sorry to hear that. I'll be sending you well wishes.
Ah c'est une nouvelle atroce!!!
Srieux, je m'imagine mme pas l'tat dans lequel tu dois tre en ce moment.......... Je suis de tout coeur avec toi.
Prend le temps qu'il faut et reviens nous donner des nouvelles quand tu pourras!
J'vais penser toi, bon courage!!
I'm back. That was a fun trip. My grand mother said to me that she have 7 years to live. My grand father has maybe 3 years left " cyroze du foie". frown frown

I have a new tattoo. An angel with broken wings....i'm sad now frown

My dad moving in abitibi...10 hours from Qubec.

I didnt see the girl that i was talking about.

I fucking broke...
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I'd come drinking with you if I could frown

I hope you cheer up kiss
Hello to you too! kiss I hope things get better for you soon. I like your music taste. I don't know anyone else that listens to Dir en Grey!
I'm back. That was a fun trip. My grand mother said to me that she have 7 years to live. My grand father has maybe 3 years left " cyroze du foie". frown frown

I have a new tattoo. An angel with broken wings....i'm sad now

My dad moving in abitibi...10 hours from Qubec.

I didnt see the girl that i was talking about.

I fucking broke...
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Youhou, 2 days t'ill my vacation ! Yeah and i meet a pretty ladie. All i have to do now is :

Step 1 : See her again
Step 2 : Use my mad charming skill wink
Step 3 : Her phone number

I hope to get at least at step 1. I decide to get a AFI tattoo. I post the image in my gallery....
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T'es en vacances alors????????

Profites en ma sant! wink
God i hate tourist...anyway in less than 2 weeks i'm gonna be officialy on vacantion Youhou finaly...for only 4-5 day . I'm going back to my roots L'Abitibi in rouyn noranda Yeah ! I going to get another tattoo as well by Bill. But i'm not sure what to get...i'm stuck between two things : A crow or a torn rose.

I'm also tired to...
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Tourists??? Tu parles, Qubec y'a pas moyen de sortir sans tre aspire dans une foule de japonais--la-camra! Au fait, existe-t-il un putain de touriste sans camra????
En plus c'est le temps des "Ftes de la nouvelle France" puke
Quoi de plus craquant que des miliers de personnes se prenant pour d'la royaut mdivale la con?

Voil, le mchant est sorti. wink

Je te souhaite de rencontrer une jolie gentille fille trs bientt! J'me croise les doigts pour toi!

you must become an sg friend of mine, simply becasue you exposed me to salad fingers and my life will never be the same.

thanks again!

God i hate tourist...anyway in less than 2 weeks i'm gonna be on officialy on vacantion Youhou finaly...for only 4-5 day frown. I'm going back to my roots L'Abitibi in rouyn noranda Yeah ! I going to get another tattoo as well by Bill. biggrin But i'm not sure what to get...i'm stuck between two things : A crow or a torn rose.

I'm also tired...
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Sorry for not updating. I was realy busy. Working all the time. Anyway...ok ok whats new...mmm I'm very tired, I'm going to another road trip in mild august yippie. I bought a bbq, now i cook everything with my precious. eehh....My brother and my mom visite me yesterday, they left this morning. My mom was tired from the trip and my brother was hi on...
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Juste un ptit bonjour de pas loin!

Joulie Qubec tongue
Sorry for not updating. I was real busy. Working all the time. Anyway...ok ok whats new...mmm I'm very tired, I'm going to another road trip in mild august yippie. I bought a bbq, now i cook anything with my precious. eehh....My brother and my mom visite me yesterday, the left this morning. My mom was tired from the trip and my brother was hi on...
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