went by art media to pick up supplies for my typography class, including some sharpies for inking big black letters. a few years ago i was wishing sharpie would put out about 20 more colors so i wouldn't have to ever buy any other pens.

we're there.

prismacolor still has them beat for color selection with their dual-tipped pens in 144 colors, but they're $3...
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i had joked with my hurricane-stricken friends in florida recently that my part of the world is largely free from any major natural disasters other than a bit too much rain now and then.

i spoke too soon. apparently this place could blow at any moment.

of course, everything i'm reading says there's a 50/50 chance of absolutely nothing happening, but the opposite end of...
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thoughts on my first day back in school...

i look hella good in a tux...
actually, i didn't like it at all, but maybe when i wasn't thinking about how absurd i looked, i was looking good. who knows. chaz here looked good, as did pretty much everyone except me. it's all about self confidence, which i know because i don't have any....
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my glasses broke today. i'm going to try to bullshit fix them with hella powerful epoxy glue. the lens snapped cleanly, so i'll be able to glue it, the question is will the tensile strength of the glue hold up to the fact that that's a serious stress point for the glasses? i've had two pairs break at the same point.

that's what i get...
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this first full-body cold of the season is brought to you by SATAN!!!


my chest aches
my head aches
my eyes hurt
i can't breathe through my nose
my lungs are full of mucus
my trashcan is full of mucus

i barely have the energy to move around the house and eat and stuff...

and i don't have the mental capacity to do anything....
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budget = good
regular employment = good

i should be able, if employment remains constant through fall term, to put aside enough for books for the rest of the school year, and also splurge on many big ticket items, like finishing off my computer and upgrading my gaming experience.

flatscreen monitor
dvd burner
new video card

the sweet sony nx70v pda

halo branded x-box
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i think i might be dying or something, i dunno. probably not, but i've been fucking exhausted of late. of course, when i'm at work, i've been able to stay on my feet all day without dying. sometimes it sucks but i keep at it. it's wierd that i can stay more focused on moving goddamn boxes around than i can on things that actually...
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i'd forgotten how beautiful a nice cloud cover could be. walking out of target and seeing all the roiling masses up there, jagged shapes and impending rain.

i love portland.

alaska had nice clouds too, small wonder since they're just up the continent from here. i'd move to washington, which is the same climate as portland only with more snow in the winter, but washington...
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i seriously miss kb. i loved working there, because all i did was open boxes of new toys, buy the ones i wanted, and talk about geeky stuff with matt. it ruled.

night-stock at tru, on the other hand, sucked ass. toys r us has gone steadily downhill since walmart's toy department stole their business model and started kicking their ASS.

now kb has closed...
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'These last two weeks are going to be hell. I'm scared. I feel sick every time I think about how close the thesis deadline is. Of course, in exactly two weeks I will be so drunk I'll barely be able to stand on my own. I will be screaming and covered in champagne in the afternoon sun, making out with my best friends. And life...
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