From kiley
Hi there, your profile photo violates the Terms of Service. Please remove this and any other pornographic content within 24 hours, or your account will be closed without refund. If you have any questions, you can email - Thank you.
@sbarbudo -
Thank you for removing your photo. I'm really sorry if my note offended you, it was nothing personal. We see posts like this all the time and staff just wanted to give you a polite warning rather than closing your account without explanation.
We do have thousands of photosets of nude female models, which is what your SuicideGIRLS membership pays for. We also have several places around the site where content of this nature IS welcome, but it is not permitted in blogs, profile photos, or anywhere on individual profiles.
You are welcome to post in groups and threads that are designated for nude male photos - For example: SuicideBoys, Sexaholics and Cockaholics. Please just be sure to take a look at that group's rules before posting, of course!
Thanks again, we here at SuicideGirls appreciate you understanding.
Ok :) no volverá a ocurrir, un beso desde España.