
When he was nervous Dexter fingered the scar at the base of his skull. His friends, even his family, told him it was from the motorcycle accident. But Dexter knew that was a lie. He'd received the scar when he'd lost his soul in a rigged poker game with some hellspawn disguised as Rudy Clouson's cousin Billy. He was now just a husk of...
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The ancient Egyptians believed that hair was unholy. Since hair grew, it represented the passage of time, but the gods were endless and, so, lived outside of time. Egyptian priests shaved all the hair on their bodies (even their eyebrows) before entering their temples so that they wouldn't offend the gods.

Unlike the Egyptians, I like life in time. I like the bristling feel...
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i'm too drugged to read your entry, so I'm peeing text as a bookmark.
Herzog's Benediction

Herzog's media empire had made him rich and his wealth had made him the biggest landowner in Nevada. His building project lasted for years, and the vast, networked device he was creating spread across millions of desert acres like a Biblical plague. When Herzog threw the switch to power up his new machine, a hundred million prayer wheels began spinning in unison, sending...
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Mister, I don't know what I would do without you. You are my salvation. Thank you for existing. I've been too stultified to write anything of consequence for days now. Beautiful, beautiful.

Oh, and P.S.

Almost forty eight tons of the dying Russian space station, Mudrosti, enter the Earth's atmosphere somewhere over the Indian Ocean. Most of the debris burns up on re-entry, but thousands of tiny glass and metal particles shower down over the west coast of the United States. One of the particles enters the roof of an office building on the corner of Sansome and Clay...
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I'm still covered in mud.
I'm still eating yesterday's frosting. Cabinet after cabinet of black frosting.
That was very cool. The whole read was worth it for the last paragraph alone.

Field Trip

We came across these words spoken by Hassan I Sabbah, Sheikh of the Mountains and leader of the Assassins: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

Inspired, we brought chicken blood, a Hand of Glory and a pocketful of Goofer Dust with us on our fifth grade school trip to the Museum of Natural History.

Our boldest and most skilled practitioner of the black...
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Wait just a minute here...

If the beast is entirely bones, it couldn't really eat Mrs. Romano. There's no oesophogus or stomach or anything like that. I suppose Rex could've chewed her up but then her mangled carcass would've just dropped to the floor under his jaw. I don't know if that sort of maiming would really count as the teacher having been eaten... though it might actually be more fun to witness than a proper swollowing.

yours truly,

PS I've no doubt that a young girl can be as skilled a practitioner of the black arts as you're likely to find anywhere.
don't make me send my bony dinosaur to kick yer bony ass!

Amnesia: Mist Memoir

Sandburg said that fog comes on little cat feet. He couldn't have been more wrong. Fog lumbers in like a hung-over logger at the tail-end of a four-day drunk. Fog is the embodiment of forgetfulness. It is always looking for something it lost, though it can't recall the nature or shape of the thing or whether it really existed or not. Fog...
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Even the rats were gone. There was nothing to eat, nothing left to scavenge. Why should they stay? The great east coast fault line, miles beneath Manhattan, had shifted dramatically for the fist time in millions of years. A slip of ten feet had wiped out many of the cities of the northeast, and had leveled Manhattan. Barnett was going to rebuild the...
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enough to pass out in ilex.