So, it's been a week now since we went to the park, and I stupidly walked a lot. I'm still in pain >_> But not nearly as bad as yesterday, granted.

I made a new steampunk necklace yesterday (no pics at the moment though) and am still trying to sell some clothes of mine...with no luck. We have 1$ in the bank account atm >_>...
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This version is so freaking good! She still sounds amazing, perhaps one of the best love/friendship ballads of all time!
So, aside from all the other things I have yet to update about (that of which includes Amanda's wedding, my awesome sunrise morning, etc)

Today, we celebrated this rainy day by getting our nipples pierced (Eric and I) Mike treated us to that and Burger King.

And I must say, that pain was a whole new category of pain, and I wish to never do...
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well this should be interesting, as I'm a bit drunk.

I did make it to amanda's second batcholoreyte party thingie, where I got stoned, and drank a bit, also, got along with the cunt stephanie--she's the one who got me high. I didn't make out with ehr as I usualyl do when we make up, but I was nice smile we were both civil, and she...
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Well, I got the ball rolling on the disability claim, which is a godo thing. Still not gonna have any money for at least 3 months...but we'll figure something out.

I missed Amanda's bachelorette party last night >_> The person organizing it told me about 2 weeks ago, and I had it in my head. I was gonna go to the party part but skip...
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You know what, I thought I'd feel a little more excited about my second set finally going up, but really, I'm not at this point.

I wasn't trying to copy Otoki's set, honestly, I had no idea that set existed, and I searched too. Gues it didn't have the proper tag lines. But then again, nothing is ever done that hasn't been done before....
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rude? it's extremely convenient you've deleted it, because i can honestly say in no way shape or form that i was rude. i was honestly trying to help you, because i can imagine being in your position, and i think some people have been a bit over the top towards you, but the fact that you could be so ungrateful and immature leads me to believe that they were absolutely 100 percent spot on. i really hope i'm wrong, i hope you're actually a nice, intelligent girl. good luck with your next set, i wish you all the best in your hope of becomeing a suicidegirl.
I see you like deleting critical comments, like Miro's and mine. No wonder, you seem not to be open to critic. Go on, delete this too.

Well, got the MRI, and my leg locked up during, and still hurts (got the MRI yesterday at 8 am)

I hadn't slept the night before either, so by the end of last night, before I finally fell asleep, I had been up for about 40 hours straight. And the sleeping didn't help much either thanks to nightmares.

I got a call shortly after I...
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Oh wow! So sorry to hear about your back.
Wanted to say hi and I love your D&D set in MR.
Hope you go pink sweetie. kiss kiss love
Good luck with trying to get on disability!! I know people that tried for years before they got it.

In your other blog you talked about smoking pot to help the pain but it hurts your lungs. Well, you should try eating it. You'll get more from it with no effects to your lungs. smile
Well, I've sold (without listing) like 2 items of clothing. Also, went to the doctors (not specifically about my back, 3 month follow up on the anxiety) but mentioned about how my back had gotten a whole lot worse. He said IThat noone would give me an MRI without having an up to date X-ray, so I went and got that done the same night....
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Well, here's the weekend update (god I sound like a news broadcaster or something)

So, things that happened this week:

Went through ALL of my clothes, and actually picked 60+ items to sell/get rid of (which I've never done, as I love my clothes...I'm actually gonna sell shit I still love...my mom already got my southpark goth kids shirt tongue)

And that same night, had...
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You look familiar. You didn't happen to spend some time in Oklahoma did you?
Well, I haven't been at my computer very much, so I haven't really been updating people on anything really. Last sunday I dyed my hair--it's black underneath (well, the majority of it is) and a small top layer is bright blond (I still have that stupid red ring though). It's a pre-bleaching for amanda's wedding when the top layer will be purple. It looks really...
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So, of course I can't submit a damn set without there being some kind of issue...It was accepted for member review, however, they had it split between 2 albums in completely random jumbled order. . And honestly, it wasn't on my end, there was no way it could have been. So, they deleted it for me, so we had to re-upload the damn set again...and...
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