Amber and I found a nice park in Glaucester MA that faces out into the ocean the other day. We took a few shots. Hung out With Jess Hartigan for a little while. Her first shoot for the calendar is going to be Sunday the 13th. Which is when I begin my first shoots as well. I believe that during the day I may be...
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Click Here to See who's participating!

I'm really pleased with the response I've gotten so far. Thank you all for all your help and let me know if any of you get any ideas or questions!

Remember, shoots begin May 13th, and will go on throughout the summer through various locations. This is gonna be a lot of fun, and it will be for a...
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Due to an incredible amount of excitement over this. I have decided to make a pin-up calendar for the 2008 Year. The photo sessions will be going on starting May 13th, and will continue on through the summer. I am collaborating with Gary Goldus of Torchlight Photography and Jessica Hartigan. We will be looking to donate a good portion of the money to a reputable...
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I hung out with Ashley at the beginning of this week and i gotta tell you. It was fun. A little awkward at first. But it was really cool to just chill with her and talk and I think that was probably the biggest issue with our relationship. We didn't talk at all. We just lived in a comfortable state of routine. I'd get out...
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People shouldn't live in trailors. If they are going to live in anything that small they should live in a camper or a winnebego. That way it's a house they can take with them... kind of like a turtle... except you cant poo in a turtle.
God do I love Montreal.

Montreal is love
Here's what I'm going to need.

Shurrikans, Rope, Duct Tape, Katana, Gasoline, Anal Ease, Morphine, Wax, Tar, Feathers, Potatos, Sugar, 10 lbs of cottage chese, Baseball Bat, 15 Korean Children, Borox, Baking soda, a colony of red ants, honey, a Tomato slicer, carotts, 10 Yards of garden hose, Funnel, shoulder length rubber gloves...

Revenge is going to be sweet.

I wanna dip my balls in...
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There is nothing in this world that I love more...

Than not being you...
You know what I hate?

Just about everything at this point in time.
MS Bike Tour: Great Mass Getaway

The Boston Pheonix and WFNX are sponsoring the Great Mass Getaway MS Bike Tour. It's a cycling event from Boston to Provincetown on June 24th to June 25th. The proceeds from this event go towards Multiple Sclerosis research and treatment. I want to be a part of this charitable cause and need your help! In order to be a...
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Ok, I think I'm done with being a whiney little bitch. I think it's time to get out and party. Anyone doing anything this weekend?