Ok... so I lied. I'm still making journal entries.

Work sucks. I'm thinking that I may quit my job after the christmas holiday.

Nothing to see here... move along.

Frday, July 11th is the "East Bay Piss Up" an evening intended to provide me an excuse to get drunk beyond comprehension. Check the post in SGSF if you're interested in participating in the drunken festivities.
nevermind... I figured it out.
everybody's work sucks. I want to get paid for sleeping late and playing on SG.
This will probably be my last journal entry for a while.

I've got 3 weeks left to gimp-proof the house and get myself prepared for my impending Knee Surgery. After that I have pain medication and the inability to walk that will keep me away from a computer for about 8 weeks.


Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes... it's been fun....
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i'm still a punk, don't start talking shit about somebody you don't know. and yes i did join a fraternity ,but that's none of your business. by the way, she found stuff from a girl that i dated while we weren't together....so fuck you!
rogziel, thanks you so much for helping me out, making me laugh, and feel better about my stupid situation.

it was tot wrong of me to post ANYTHING about ANY kind of relationship i have with ANYONE outside of SG. i hate making people feel bad and thats all i did by posting things in anger. that was real dumb of me.

please dont judge b_vantatenhove purely on what i had to say.
Thanks to everyone for all the positive input on my little writing experiment. It's really appreciated, especially after the day I've had.

Today was a day for good news and bad news.

As it happens the good and bad news are the same thing.

So, I saw my orthopedist today and he has confirmed that I will have to have surgery on both knees in...
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haha ok... nope not a new set... i have 2 new ones already shot... its up to them when they go up... we have no idea...

Whew. I don't know much about knee surgery but I imagine the prospect is nerve wracking. I hope everything goes well and that you're healed quickly. And in the interim good rest and painkillers. smile

Thanks for the birthday wish and the request for limbo land liberation. It'll be interesting to see when it goes up, I have a feeling not for awhile...... I just hope the folks who want to see my set aren't disappointed.
When I woke up this morning I had the remnants of a very bizarre dream running through my head. Before I was even quite awake I picked up a pen and started writing. There is no punctuation or structure to the words, this is just a steady stream that poured from my subconscious this morning.


raw embers crack against the pavement as it blurs...
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Alright, sir...I will investigate this alleged 'lost' Seor Taco. I am bringing Discovery Channel cameras with me.
I always enjoy your writing.

Oh, of course I will post pics when I chop off the hair. Of course.
here's another one my my creepy deja vu issues.

Is it wrong to be totally disturbed when you come across SG's that look EXACTLY like ex-girlfriends.

Now I don't mean EXACTLY in that 'bearing a more than striking resemblance' sort of way... I MEAN PICTURE FUCKING PERFECT EXACT - face, body type, everything EXACT!!

God damn, my mind is so totally fucked up.
well? who is this member? we must know!
Actually there are two, which is why it scares the shit out of me; but I don't think I'll mention any names.

I will say that I've been at an SG event where one of the girls in question was also in attendance and I was terrified. I stayed as far away from her as I could.

I get creeped out by things like that.

Is that wrong.
I've had a rather disturbing couple of nights.

For some reason a number of people from my past keep appearing randomly (but very vividly) in my dreams.

There's no real reason for them to be there... and they don't sem to have any significant impact on anything, but I find that I think about them more upon waking.

Does this happen to anyone else or...
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it happens to me all the time. last night, in fact. Olivia was in it. my cousin, an old roomate i havent seen in years and my teeth falling out.

you should check s5's journal. he was discussing dreams there and people wrote some interesting input.
Well... After a significant amount of navigating the hellish automated maze that is the DMV information line, driving to 3 DMV offices in the East Bay only to discover that they are now closed every third MOnday of the month in order to be open every thrid Saturday, I finally managed to sort out what went wrong.

You see I had a minor car accident...
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Oh no. Heeeeeelp. Im getting SARS via SG??????
*drops on the floor*
Check my post in the gamers group about SH3, there are things you may enjoy.

Soul Reaver fan by any chance? Just guessin...

Ah yes, little Trauma-bot. Delightful lad, but the other kids do stare at him so...
This week os going to suck...

So I got a call on Friday from my insurance company telling me that they're about to drop my auto insurance becasue they've run my driving record and the DMV has suspended my license... not only that it's been suspended since September of 2002.

It would have been nice if they'd actually told me this was going to happen....
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actually, I tipped them off that you were a transcontinental drug trafficer. I didn't know they would suspend your license though. sorry.
i've got 36...
There is a quiet desperation in my voice these days...

I think I need a career change.
spelling and punctuation are symptomatic of a larger disease.

In an age where the masses are barely capable of abstract thought and nearly devoid of any ability to articulate a simple idea or concept I don't worry so much about whether or not someone knows the when to use a colon vs. a semi-colon.

Besides... I'm not the grammar police by any stretch of the imagination... but I'm pretty astute at reading between the lines.
I appreciate that someone can. I have lost the greater portion of respect for this astoundingly ignorant society due to meticulation of details that are in no way consequential to the greater image. semi colons should be eliminated entirely, in my opinion, though i will hold it to myself if someone decides to flaunt their punctuation skills. this is subject to mood, i should add. I have a tendency to be rather cruel if surrounded my seething maladroits and pretentious, obviously transvocal individuals who merely recite instead of deduct. i'm certain you have encountered the sort, though were able to contain yourself and subdue this plague of immeasurable disgust....or you were never disgusted in the first place. I cannot imagine in my wildest dreams an individual who could avoid immeasurable disgust for this plummiting society...

my rank, convoluted rant concludes

[Edited on Jun 13, 2003]
Nothing interesting to say today.

Didn't go to work becasue I felt like shit when I woke up...

Didn't do much to anything, now that I think of it...

Sometimes I just want to pack a bag and run away... go somewhere else... anywhere, just for the hell of it...
