These video are pissing me off. nothing it right with them. prob just going to post the videos and type something up. Gotta work on my iphone video taping and walking skill. my geocaching vids did not turn out like i planed. oh well. So more snow huh? Yep. Oh well. Gets me outta work and my jeep eats snow for breakfast so no big...
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don't you gotta pay to put ads up on craigslist? and I've tried selling stuff on ebay and they never gave me my money.
So I made the car video thing. Its looks kinda of cool. Gonna work on the voice over today. I just got back from a hike at bluff point. We got off of work early and i did not wanna be stuffed in my house so i went out. Snagged a few geocaches. It was cold and windy but i made it. Was only about...
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Grappling = good/pain

My back hurts. I had a video blog idea. I think im going to take a video with my iphone while im driving with music in the background. Then ill bring it here to my computer and record a voice over blog. It will be a video of the road flying by with music in the background and my sexy ass voice....
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I know it's been a while, but thank you for the supportive words last September. Your statement made me ponder a while, and you make a good point. I suppose my main point was that I had been wondering what, if any, sort of imprint am I leaving behind? What is my contribution? That sort of thing. Regardless, we do effect those around us more often than we acknowledge or realize, and our actions do have an effect however small. I hope your back is feeling better. I also hope the season has been good to you, and may the new year bring you joy and comfort. You've always been a really cool guy, and your comments have many times been helpful and comforting. Thank you for everything, and for being such a great cyberpal for so long now. ^_^
Big Hugs and well wishes-
Fanfuckingtastic christmas. I love my family. Im not even back home to CT yet and I already want to go back to KY. I cant wait will i get out at the end of july. Im nervous as fuck about a job and money and school but long ago i promised myself i would not let fear keep me in a job i hate. So...
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Live typing type blog thingy.

Tomorrow 6am sharp, Groton, CT ----> Pittsburgh, PA


Ohh shit my fries!!!! BRB!!!

Okay Im back.

Next day 7am ish, Pittsburgh, PA ----> Somerset, KY

Have fun with family.

Sometime next year, repeat trip in reverse order.

Now I must go eat fries and sandwich.

Thank you that is all.

Everything here is blank right now. Please try again later.


Saturday I went 0-2 at NAGA Northeast. I am way way disappointed in myself because i know im better then that. But I still count this as a victory. It was my first time competing in a grappling event. I showed up which is better then half the world who are all glued to their couches.
My first match was better then my last. It...
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Should i trade my GF in for a more trusting less paranoid model? If i wasn't training for a grappling event i'd so be getting drunk right now. in all seriousness. how much is to much? where must the line be drawn?

I am one of those girlfriends, unfortunately. Having major issues in the past that make it almost past the point of ridiculous. Its hard to have faith and trust again, even when you love someone so fucking much. I'm doing the best I can, thinking to myself daily, "If I want this to work, I have to trust. They're not all fuck-tards like the ones before". And I'm slowly allowing myself to trust again, but GAH! Its a difficult thing to do.

I don't know the details of your situation of course, but I can maybe imagine.... constantly saying you're cheating on her, wanting to check your phone, wondering where you were and if you actually went where you said you did etc.... am I right? Been there, done that. My finance helps me out by letting me have full access to his phone/texts/calls etc.... just to ease my mind and not go crazy over the what if's.

Hope things get better for you.
This is an IPA & grand funk railroad on vinyl night. Groove on.

someone remind me to put a blog here. I got shit to do right now. see yah./