Things to do today:

Let spouse shout at you for half the day and not say a word back. Let them vent and they end up thinking you don't give a fuck. I pay how much for my therapist?
therapists are never worth it. thanks for your comment on my set, by the way kiss skull
I disagree with Dinah...MY therapist is worth her weight in gold!!! It has been my experience that you get out what you put it. I find it hard to believe that anyone is encouraging you to let your wife degrade you...Maybe you need to see my therapist!!! She would tell you to NEVER accomodate anyone's garbage, and if you are, why?

Enough on that...It's about time on the pic I say!! Thanx for sharing!!! tongue
Scientology was created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. In "Dianetics" (1950), Hubbard said the "thetan" (soul) suffers from negative "engrams" implanted in this life and innumerable past lives. Scientology "auditors" help clients work through problems using an "e-meter," similar to a lie detector. They seek a state called "Clear" and then advance through various levels of "Operating Thetan."

I wish I knew more...
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I was on Hollywood Blvd. by the Scientology reprogramming center tonite, and I was seriously wondering if I should go in and ask them if they had heard the good news about Jehovah & his witnesses, but they seemed pretty into their own stuff. I saw the dude checking out girl's butts as they walked by. tongue
I still want that picture. This one way thing is no fun (for me), and it's not fair---yes, that is my foot stamping in displeasure tongue tongue tongue
Is there a chat room? I can't find it. Why does help have a listing for the chat room. Am I retarded?
mad eeek biggrin
Your cat's ass is very hynotizing...I suddenly feel the need to leave open cans of tuna on my porch ... tongue
Financial Institutions should all go to hell. ARRR!!!
Where the bleep is the login button for chat because I can't find it? frown

No, but almost.
I'm a loser baby. So why don't you kill me.

I can only promise not to make anymore promises to myself. Forget others. That's a lost fucking cause.

I need a massage and a shot of tequila.

I'm a soul for hire.

Take me twisted or straight.

I started building an ark because all they talked about was how much rain we'd get. Right. How about talking about how fucking cold it was. biggrin

How many different ways can you tell a SG " great set ", and hope they notice. I'm running out of ways. I need a vacation from all this...
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Nice word...I'm there sicko skull
PS That's Ms. Sicko to YOU!!! biggrin
No one bought me a drink. frown

Maybe I'll do all the buying. I'm sure I'll find that luscious female lush now.

Need drink tonight. Must have drink. Oh, and fun lady boozer extrodinaire. I just settle for the drink. ARRR!!!

Please someone buy me a drink. I promise I'll be fun. ooo aaa
Did you find one?!
Yesterday's highlight:

Got serverely chewed out by better half while at work. I couldn't respond to any of it because it would have tipped off my associates as to the shit I was getting. That sucks, but sometimes all one should do is listen. Not fair since I can't respond as it's coming out. It just makes me less responsive it happens.
Behave like an adult. Behave like an adult. Behave like an adult.

...and I won't get manipulated anymore.
It was mostly man-made, and there were these funny little signs that said "man-made snow is snow- it is just man-made.." which is true, and I was having so much fun racing around & jamming to TOOL that I didn't even care!!!! tongue
Saturday. Working while others fuck around, shop, eat, walk, fuck, drive, die...

I'm guess I'm one of the lucky. frown