My baby puppy died. So if I don't respond to people sorry. Just having a rough time with it. She died in my arms, and it sucks because vets could have saved her. They wouldn't because I didn't get paid early enough.

This breaks my heart greatly. I am so sorry that happened
Thanks I wish I could say more. Just not in a good place. I guess it doesn't change much anymore. I was happy really happy for a while. Now I just don't know what to do. I got a plan now though so that's good.

So on a road trip just went through Texas place is awesome. Got to see some amazing stuff. Also got to meet some people for a job making video games. Now headed up to TN. Then New York. So yeah totally nerding the hell out with all the artwork I get to see.


I am going to be posting some new pictures soon. So for those curious in the next week or two they will be up promise. :) So I hope I get some love.


So this is a first for me. As far as just saying this. All women deserve to be treated like princesses. If your guy can't treat you that way find a new one. I guarantee there are a ton of men or even women whichever way you swing that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. They will make everyday special and...
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I am glad one person responded to this. :) You must be a special lady that's all I can say!