Ugh, work drama sucks. Can these people please just make up their minds and let me go back to the states finally? Gawd! mad mad mad
Looking forward to hitting up Japan this weekend and causing some havoc. I'm turning into a traveling muldoon here lately. Something to do I suppose. ARRR!!!
Thanks for the coment on my set The Assistant. I really appreciate it. The support means a lot to me.
Thanks for the comment and suppot you left on my new set. It means a lot to hear such positive things on my work. I hope you have a great rest of the week!
Hawaii was rocking. Can't wait to go back again. Heading out to Okinawa next weekend. Sweet! biggrin
awesome tattoo! are you getting it colored, or leaving it black and grey?

and, thanks smile
Just saw the new Star Trek, it was amazing! I highly recommend you go see it right meow.
Feels good to be back home in the States and see blue skies. I'm so sick of the yellow skies in Korea. Anyhow, got me a new car and some new ink finally. I'm planning on getting my left shoulder done soon with a cover up. I'll post pics later. smile
Thanks SO much for your comment on my Haiku set! I'm so happy that you like this set...I worried about the simplicity of it. But, sometimes, like a Haiku, simple is best. smile

thanks for the set love. smile
I finally get to go home back to the states for a few weeks to see friends and fam. Thank god. I'll be starting out in North Carolina and working my way around to see everyone else. Can't wait. biggrin
Muchas gracias for the love left on my new set! I really appreciate it. EL SUICIDO LOCO
Ugh, seriously I think I'm turning into a pasty vampire after 8 nights in a row of night shift. Isn't it over yet? Gawd!!! puke
Thank you for commenting on our Royally Flushed Multi Set kiss
Aw thanks
So not much to blog about here in the past few weeks. Although I have enjoyed having the last two 3 day weekends, I've been too much of a hermit -- hiding out, cooking for friends, and perfecting my dirty martini. I think I've almost got it. wink Oh, and I finally got this BBQ recipe perfected I've been working on for a while. This great...
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Thanks for the comment on my multi with Bunni in member review! kiss

Crazy weekend.

Holy crap, I love having four day weekends.
Saturday night I got to finally hit up Seoul and party my ass off in Itaewon. Sunday I hit up a Korean Hooters somewhere in Seoul. Sunday night I had to recover from Saturday nights shenannigans. Monday I went south to go snowboarding. I didn't get on the slopes till after 630pm and at the...
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