An authentic setting, full of memoies, hardwork and sweat. The perfect place. As i removed layer after layer of clothing, not knowing what was lurking in the shadows or who could be watching through gaps in the crumbled brickwork i felt the excitement build up within me. As the set deepend a breeze picked up, filtering through the broken roof slats, stroking my inner thighs and placing gentle kisses on the back of my neck. With the breeze came the dust, dancing through the air and laying softly on top of my breasts, before sliding down my front and resting around my naval, sending a tingling sensation down the length of my spine. A feeling of complete beauty came over me as i felt the baby pink ribbon on my lace knichers slide down my leg, leaving me completely exposed to everything around me. Beauty can be found in everything, and once found and truly recognised, it is a state in which we dwell forever. The fun part is finding it!