well today was about useless. Went to work, came home and done homework, now im stuck at home with nothing to do and no where to do. I could do more work but you can only read about ancient art for so long. Yeah it was amazing but it was just a stick figure drawing, wooooopy. Well at least I have the net. If anyone...
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ok so im back from florida. It feels great to be sitting in my house in the cold. I never thought i would miss the cold so much. I know warm weather is good in all, but there is a point where you can't take any more. So i had fun, wanted to kill some people while i was down there but i held back....
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ok now past my first entry. I have started the countdown for going to florida. Leaving in t minus something. Got engage yesterday to the greatest woman every, chrissy, and now going on vacation in the O. well life is going good. Oh yeah and i just bought a house, so if it gets broken into while im gone i know it will be one...
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Sweet youll be here for my sg debut ! Damn dude I wanna get married and get a new house ! Im totally stealing your house while your gone ! I like using exclamation points ! eeek