Lots of changes...big things pop, little things drop...

So my landlord is all huff and puff and "I'll evict." And I told him to bring it. If he wants a fight, I'll lace up the gloves. I'm also going to point out his general negligence, the dishonesty, AND the threatening voicemails.

I lined up a new place too. In some things, I've always been incredibly...
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just found out that my platonic "boyfriend" has met someone. i'm happy for him, but then i have to wonder what the fuck is my damage, heather? i mean, i don't even get asked out anymore. i just get the men and women who comment on the size of my tits. wheee.
In their defense they are pretty spectacular. Someone will ask, I have faith in that. You're too awesome for them not to.
meh. the optimist in me has gone on holiday. in its place is the realist who has watched every person that i have ever cared about go off and marry the wrong person and then still been the one to smile and politely nod while listening to the horror stories about marrying the wrong person.
dear Loud Gay Neighbor,

thank you so much for waking me up to the entire disco diva collection this mroning. admittedly, you were trying to cover up the noises you make when you're having sex with your teenage twink, but still. i was asleep. and Donna Summer is not what i wanted to hear at three a.m.


Ha! That was ... exhilarating to read. smile

Thanks for your comment on My SB set. smile more to come, keep them eyes peeled! And ... get some earplugs ...
I love the twinks, I don't know why. At least he's considerate though.
in perusing plenty of fish today (that site never ceases to make me giggle), i was suggested to "Write [My] Seduction Manual." seeing as i don't have to actually be productive for another few hours (and i'm still waiting for the slow maintenance people to come fix my furnace and water heater so i can go home and back to my wonderful life), i figured...
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Reads like meant to tempt! wink biggrin
i suppose it is, hahaha!
this week's shopping has been amazing. i have spent money with BPAL, Eves Addiction, Sephora, MAC, Amazon, and Torrid.

today, i'm going to go give my landlord some money so he'll shut up. then, it's time to drop off art and a deposit at the tattoo shop.

tonight, it's a metal show.