Today was a good day. It involved a lot of alcohol and a lot of walking, but all in all, it was a great day. Mum, Dad and I met up at Notes from the Underground and had some breakfast (Dad loved the "fancy" internet cafe where he could check his email... so funny), and then we went back to my apartment to hang out...
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looks like I'll be working the kids floor. Rockstar.

And I get to hang out with the units this weekend. Double Rockstar.


"keepin' it new, at the risk of ruin, destruction, madness, and death,
in order to find new ways to make you listen..."

So it's been a rather exciting time since I last was on here... amazing since it's only been about 24 hours. Lots of things happened... I went to dinner and Wicked with Branden... which was amazing in itself. Not only was it a fantastic food-gasm (if you're ever in San Francisco and want to go to fancy fusion seafood go to the Market Street Grill...
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hope everyone had a good st pats!

Today after cleaning from Ben visiting us this weekend and the remnants of St. Pats, I'm going to run some errands, then hang out with Branden! We're going to get all fancy and take some pictures then go out to dinner and guess what....


Yeah. I'm a little excited. Makes me squee like a 12 yr...
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So today is day 6 of 7 days of work straight. Each day I've been at work at the earliest time I was available to come in. I'm fairly sure that I've not had more than 6 hours of sleep a night for the last week or so. I think my average is at best 4 hours. So moral of that story is that I'm...
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I think that scrubs is a wonderful time waster... Especially when accompanied with a cocktail.

On a Friday night....

With some smoking...


miao!! miao.
I really wish I could take a nap. I might take a small one, in fact... But I really wish I could just sleep for hours. But apparently that's not for today. Today is for cleaning because company is coming tonight! At least I don't have to do the laundry, or take out the trash. That will be my justification. And maybe if I get...
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I finished my day... I finished my history test... I made dinner.

Now I'd like to get a teensy bit...

then go to sleep.
And here I thought I was being clever.

I made sure, even though I had two days off, to change my clocks. I checked every clock in the apartment... even the microwave and the alarm in the bathroom. I even knew that I had to manually change my cell phone because I want it set to my own little cell phone time zone. But I...
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So today is technically my Sunday (I've been working Tuesday through Sat weeks recently), but I do have illustration tonight. I have sketches I have to get done, a history test I have to study for, and a paper to write today. I'm not very happy about the homework pile up, but I suppose that's what I get for taking yesterday off to relax and...
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I suppose now would be a good time to update on my life. Damn it's been a while since I was an online blogger.

well, here's the sum up.

1) I live in San Francisco with my boyfriend, Dan, and my cat, Suki. Both are very important in my life. Emphasis on the very. It will be two years with Dan in April, and one...
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WOW - sounds like you have been really busy. Don't feel bad about facebook - I am on there more than here lately. Anyways - it is great to hear that you are doing so well....look me up on facebook. Candace Spycher-Poole smile