Every Sunday, I check a bunch of websites, hoping to find local music shows. Or in cases of certain bands, if they're playing not locally.

Mike Doughty was the gem I found last. I'm pretty disappointed that it's the only thing on my schedule for months.

That said, I'm leaving Seattle for Ocean Shores. Not forever. See, there's this guy. His name is Oliver, and...
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Eee! My pub... although I like the old place it used to be in better. Sigh. Eat an Irish breakfast for me. And chowder. Don't forget the chowder.

When's Doughty going to be in Seattle?
I'm looking for a used, 8' pool table for my apartment.


My CDs showed up from Greenland Whalefishers. Okay stuff.

Work is being a bitch (anyone wanting to be more of a bitch than work, will need to take a number)

I'm heading to Chicago on March 12th- The Tossers. And then I go back to Seattle. ah, the life without responsibilities.
Gatsby? Gatsby. So, over an AIM chat last night tagged along with a shoutcast, we discussed a Gatsby party.

Except I don't recall reading it. Purchased at Twice Sold Tales. So, it means that I slot a trip to san diego in the next month or so, and bum around.

Visqueen was decent last Wednesday, but...as a heads up, if you're the twit who was...
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So, tonight is Kennedy Brothers at the Irish Emigrant - I have to drop some stuff off for friends, I hope (those friends) are there. (If I had realized the Iron Composer was tonight, I would have made plans in time.)

Tomorrow, I geek out a little and play in a Magic prerelease. I don't play any more, but it was fun back in the...
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My ipod hates my laptop. Maybe it's the other way. Regardless, it won't update new music, which is contributing to my frustration with both.

Oh, and a lack of upcoming local shows that I want to see.

I'm half-debating going to see Bouncing Souls and Dropkick Murphys. I like both of the bands, but shilling out for a february ticket to Ireland seems extreme.

Taking vacation days, finally. It works out to toiling away on monday, tuesday, and friday. two weekends each week, until i go away to iowa for 10 days.

not that iowa is a glamorous hideaway. it's a center for the mundanely attuned, which i can fake for 10 days, hopefully.

to celebrate my mini-vacations, i've taken to playing games and fixing my spare computer. Oh,...
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Fun... I could use some vacation time. What glorious job do you have that lets you take off so much time in December? That's a fantasy I will never live out.

Going home to the Midwest isn't so bad... just as the novelty really starts to wear off, you get to come home and appreciate being here instead. wink
Shopping tips for getting a pool table?
Decide how much you're willing to spend.
Play at a few bars if you're not a shark so you can decide what little features you like, and what bugs the crap out of you.

These guys don't sell tables but they can point you in the right direction.
So, I'm probably baking a Cake cake tonight. Initially, it was going to be the vainglorious thing, with all sorts of cake decorations that were representative of different songs.

Creative endeavors are frequently smashed like...cake. But I'll still try to bake one. I'm betting no one is going to be at work tomorrow, except for a couple of sad schmoes and the three of us...
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are you going to see cake tonight?

i was at magnetic feilds, but i did not see you. but i did not see much of anything because i feel asleep.
Japan in October = good food, drinks, stuff to do, time to do it in.

Germany in October = okay food, too much drinking, lots of stuff to do, no time to do it in.

I spent 2 weeks at work, catching up the stuff the piled up. Caught up, friends now in town for the weekend.

Hmm...hiking something easy (Saturday) with them, and then...
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Bummer about the housewarming thing... yeah, my bf and I kind of just roamed around Belltown afterwards. We had been planning on going to The Apartment since their shtick sounded interesting (they have the Jack Lemmon movie playing on flat-screens and it's sort of swanky) but when we got there the line was full of these giggling LA-type plastic girls and that's never a good sign.

We ended up just going to Taco Del Mar, but it was warm and the food was cheap. Two wins.

oh wait I live to far....


Sluggish from Tokyo jetlag.

I was there, 5 days on business. Mostly consisted of work, eating, drinking, and sleeping.

I did go to Sensoji temple, to renew my fortune. Having the best fortune is nice, but running two years on it is a little excessive.

Special offer: Want something from Germany, let me know in the next 2 days.

I don't normally travel this much...
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You're busy... are you going to the Magnetic Fields concert before you leave for Germany? Only 22 bucks smile
I don't really post on my journal. I'm actually a stunningly different person in real life.

So, yeah, I'm going to the Presidents show, for lots of money.

And a good cause.