Tonight's post is brought to you by the song "Anything for You", by Ludo.

So it's been a week now since my last posting, and since I was all so apologetic last time for missing one night, I feel like I should start off with a novella of apologies for missing so long. But alas, I do not feel like doing that, so I...
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Freeman! it's me again- As I said in my last message to you- JUST ASK. People aren't going to think you are creepy just because you ask them to be friends. I have met a TON of really cool people so far.
Just remember that they are all people with feelings and treat them with respect. You can't lose!
Hey all,

So let me first apologize for missing last night. That was not so much a conscious decision as it was me falling asleep earlier than expected and thus being unable to blog. Granted, I'm not sure if anyone is actually reading these things, so I think that apology was more of a way for me to publicly explain why I missed a night...
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I think that's really sad that she would say such a hurtful thing to a friend. Keep your chin up! You don't need friends like that.
Thanks Secret. Good to know I got folks who have my back.
So, I am now venturing into the very dangerous territory of drunk blogging, a very big no-no according to my friends. But, in regards to actually attempting to blog, I refuse to skip a night so very close to my starting(It's only my second night, I know, but still.), and I would hate to set a bad example. However, in my infinite drunk wisdom, I...
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So, this is my first ever post on SG, and I think it's only third blog post ever. Tried it two times prior to this, but never really stuck with it. I hope that changes this time around. Anyway, while I'm writing this, I have a playlist going based on Ida Maria's song "Oh My God", a very cool song if you've never heard of...
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