Well that was fucking retarded.

After waking up stupidly early to get my vacuuming done before I left for class, the carpet cleaners CAN'T EVEN GET TO MY APARTMENT because it's not on the first floor. I distinctly told them I was on the third floor.

Can you sue for missed hours of sleep? Fuckers. mad

In brighter news, my halloween costume was finished today. I'm...
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nope, kelowna smile
Link = totally cool. That is all! biggrin
Have you ever vacuumed your entire house at 7:30AM?

I can now say definitively that I have.

(The carpets are being shampooed in a few hours and I procrastinated enough last night that I had to do it this morning. That's actually an accomplshment becase I normally wake up in just enough time to be 10 minutes late for class.)

Let's give a great big...
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Is it too late to move to the moon?

Seriously. I'm looking for contingency plans if your chum and mine, George W., is re-elected. I don't feel safe 200km north of his border. surreal

And, uh, the world's biggest oil deposit in my province doesn't much help my morale any, either.

But honestly, I don't understand it. When did criticism of the ruler become so...wrong?...
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Re: moving to the moon

See this. smile
Haha, damn that cursed collective unconscious.
Fucking blown away.

I've had that kind of experience at a concert only once before -- in the hallowed halls of Tool's domain. That's high, high praise.

Muse are fucking AWESOME. Easily one of the best bands touring at the moment. They write the kind of music that can sound like many tracks of overdubbing and engineering wizardry. But they pull it off live not...
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Yeah, I think you pretty much covered all the bases there... wink
And now in the words of Pelle Almqvist:

Glad you enjoyed the show mate.. I'm desperate to see them again soon, but I think I'm going to have to wait until the summer at least... frown
Dead on description there. It's awesome that you got to see them live, it's hard to grasp just how hard they rock live until you've seen it first hand, and now that you've gotten that sweet rock nectar, there's no going back.
Baraka has to be one of the finest films ever made. Watching it today, I began to notice some of the concepts produced by examining the images in linear order rather than independently; many new thoughts emerged as a result. In the last cut, with the giant Deity statues juxaposed over time-lapse photography of the stars was such a powerful moment: it perfectly encapsulated our...
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Mate, I can guarantee from personal experience that Muse are twice the band live that they are on CD... prepare for the gig of your life.. I shit you not!

Glad someone finally showed an interest in my group! And yeah, you're right, Morrowind is wholly ripping up all my free time, dammit! biggrin
solidarity, brother!

*raises fist*

Well, the jazz program is well underway. So far, it's been going pretty well, but part of that can be attributed to the fact I'm still "ahead" in theory and ear training. Once I'm supposed to be hearing minor-sharp 11 chords and crap, things will get harder.

The drummer dude giving me my private lessons is so stereotypical as to be hilarious. He's a roughly...
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Hey, how ya been

Has that old-timer gotten around to teaching you the Moeller technique yet?
Actually, he has. It's doing wonders to loosen out the death grip in my left hand.

It's also a little -- well, a lot -- more delicate than my "beating the hell out of things" rock upbringing. biggrin
Yesterday I had the theory test and the day before that I had the audition for the Jazz program. I think both went really well. The two guys auditioning me seemed to be insinuating by their comments that I had done enough to impress them -- they were advising me what I should do to get ready for the program in the fall. Hopefully that's...
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Oh, and then there's the small matter of the Flames being in the Western Conference finals. Uh-huh, uh-huh, I like it!
Been a while since I did anything with this here journal.

So, the Flames stole game won from the Red Wings tonight. Rock on! Though I still think we'll be thanking our lucky stars to get any more. That said, we did take home ice advantage from one of the best home teams...

I had my first drum lesson from this dude at the Jazz...
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Thank you for joining my new group. You are awesome. Please spread the word. Thanks again.
Disillusionment ho!

Okay, so after a fairly productive night of recording last night, my mic pre-amp won't turn on today. I think it might be fried. It was acting really weird last night so that's probably it. Fuck.

So instead of music today, I decided to do some writing. I watched Donnie Darko for the first time, then Waking Life, and I was feeling inspired,...
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Well, I think you have to have a big stomach for pseudointellectual conversation. I guess since I liked it, I must have one, heh. I like how you can synthesize the point of all (or at least most) of the conversations into the "plot" as it were, and come up with a fairly decent comment on the nature of reality and what we accept as reality.

As for the Stevens, I'm actually writing a structuralist critique of it for one of my classes at the moment. I always find it easier to write essays on poems I like.
I was talking to a barfly about Donnie Darko last night. I hope to see it again soon.