The time has come for me to cave...I am going to the temp agency tomorrow.

I was trying my best to avoid going to this extreme. I was trying to be all 'grown up' and get a job how most people (supposedly) do. But you know...fuck it. I need money and I am tired of worry about whther or not I am going to have...
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A few of my friends have actually found good jobs through temping, so ya never know. smile

1. Word Search.
2. Chinese.
3. Black... 'Cause I'm cool... tongue
4. Im a flat foot, so its biking for me.
5. That's really no choice at all... But I'll go with a station wagon, as I've observed that minivans seem to have a lobotomizing affect on their owners. . biggrin
station wagon

It's odd...sometimes I am so full of words and thoughts that I feel like I am going to bust if I don't get them out and share with everyone. Then other times it feels like my brain goes on strike and no idea or thought can stick. It's like my mind has suddenly collected all the Teflon that I have consumed in my life and...
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1) Tough question... Hmmm... I'm gonna go with Flash Gordon.

2) Depends on how much cash is at hand and when I actually take the time to retrieve the bills from the mail pile.

3) Depends on the size and layout of the space, but I tend to go for dark colors. I'd really like to have something vaguely Victorian; lots of dark woods. smile
1) What's your favorite 80s movie?
A: labyrinth and dark crystal
2) Do you pay your bills as they come in or all at once towards when they are due?
A: closer to when they are due
3) If you could paint your bedroom any color what would it be?
A: i did and it's periwinkle
Not indoors

possibly at the beach

most likely on the rocky shore

happily alone

with my knitting for company

and my bike for transportation.

It is going to be a loverly sunny day!
Have fun! smile
I get to see Dan Blakeslee tonight!!! He is a wonderful songwriter and just an all around great guy! Big fun will be had.

Tomorrow I am driving to Ohia to see the fam and watch my friend graduate. It's going to be a long drive, but I figure it will all be good. Plus I get to get away for a couple of days...
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1) What's your favorite type of cheese?
A: extremely sharp cheddar
2) circle or square which do you like better...why?
A: technically a square doesn't have a beginning or end either, if it's made right smile
3) What do you usually eat for breakfast?
A: honey bunches of oats with skim milk *gets excited for breakfast*
Enjoy Ohio!

1) Jarlsberg Swiss.

2) circle, it is infinate

3) Fruit and yogurt... usually.
I love spring!!!

It was like 80 degrees here today and sunny and just all around a beautiful day. And the best thing is that it is still warm. I love spring evenings even more than I love spring days.

I just got back from going on a walk around my neighborhood (well actually I just walked up the street, but it's a long street)....
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I just stared the TPBs for 'Y, The Last Man' It is shaping up to be great.

Getting into the new Concrete series, I forgot how I loved the character.

New Fables is out, I can not recomend that book enough.
I know exactly what you mean by wanting a house! I want a house too, and I'm still a poor college student. Just a place to call my own and put some time and money into decorating and making it mine.

1) what time do you wake up in the morning?
A: uhh... morning? its more like afternoon most days...

2) What natural diaster are you most afraid of?
A: tornados. scary as hell.

Life marches on the in vivid green life that is Vermont in the spring time. It is chilly but not too cold, predictable but never boring, and happy but not complacent. I am learning a great deal about myself and life in general without even realizing it somehow. I have this temp job that is easy and yet annoying because I sit in a chair...
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Don't worry,the sun will get to you to as well... it take shim a few days to get that far east.

WHen he shows just make sure to run naked and send pictures... the pictures are the ikportant part.... wink

1. Nothing yet, and it is good thing you mentioned that...

2. Zombies, they move slow

3. not a clue!
i'm glad i don't have to be a slave to my car payment, that so would not work for me right now, haha.

you can't believe you've been out of school for a year and a half - i can't believe i've been in school for two and half!! time goes by so fucking fast, huh! geesh

1) Did you get your mom anything for Mother's day?
A: nothing yet, and i won't get to see her until the end of next week frown
2) Zombies or Vampires which would you rather attack you?
A: vampires, cause i got this wooden stake sitting right here tongue
3) Do you know what a yoni symbolizes?
A: nope no clue
*My car has brand spanking new Vermont license plates.

*I have a temp job for next week.

*Because of said job I don't have to worry too much about having enough money for my car payment in the middle of the month.

*And I can afford to run home to go to a friend's graduation from college.

*I also went to Bikram yet again today....
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Sound sliek you had a productive day... good for you!

--Hot and sweaty.

--Dragonflies as well, they ar eone pof the few "cool" looking bugs out there.

--Neither, I hate the Wonder Twins and I want them to die a thousand scremaing deaths.

--Harvey Birdman, Atterny at Law.

No real plan for the cult yet other then that uniform will be decided upon sex and attractiveness of meber son a case by case basis.

I will keep you posted.
Not required but you should read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance regardless.

It will change how you view the world.

Don't let the title fool you, it is a freak of a book.
yuck Yuck YUck YUCk YUCK! I hate rainy days that hold no hope of being happy. Don't get me wrong I love a good rainy day every now and again, but lately they just seem to throw me off and make me remember what isn't going how I want it to in my life. It does not make me happy.

I have accomplished pretty much...
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1) What's your favorite time of day?
A: getting ready for bed, and the twilight of sleep (right before you actually fall asleep)
2) what pharse do you say a lot?
A: oh my god (and i can't stand that i do)
3) Do you read you read your horoscope?
A: no, there was never enough positive reinforcement to keep me reading it on a regular basis
It was dreary here as well... sucks the life out of ya.

1) I like the night...
2) "Don't worry, I have a plan." I say it a lot at work when the situation looks hopeless...
3) Nope
I have been the amazing healthy girl today. I went on a 10 to 12 mile roller blading jounery and then I went to Bikram yoga this evening. And the great thing is that I feel great because of it. It's really what I have been needing to shake myself out of my funk. I also sat down by the waterfront and knit for an...
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oh man, please do. it's gross and i can't handle cleaning it myself because the little pubee hairs make me wanna barf - they aren't really pubes but they look like them! ack
2) What one animal would you choose to symbolize you and why?
A: that's a really deep question. i'll say a parrot because i'm colorful and i say choice phrases only when i feel like it smile how's that for a deep answer, haha
3) do you know what Beltane is and are you planning on celebrating?
A: i'm pretty sure i've heard of it but i don't remeber what it is - so no i'm not celebrating
4) are you going on vacation this summer and to where?
A: may 15th florida, july 17th SG east coast camping trip, end of august, hopefully going to Europe with my best friend joe
I have come to the complete and utter conclusion that I am NOT a city person. Give me wide open spaces and green mountains any day over the mass confusion and angnst that occurs in the city. BLEAK! It was absolutely impossible to drive in (though I did have a great navigator who did his best but it was still confusing as hell with all...
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1) What to do you want to do today?
A: smooch and cuddle with my boy
2) What are you actually going to do today?
A: well i drove back to Portland from NH, and i have no clue what i'm doing tonight but it's probably gonna be boring
3) What SHOULD you be doing today?
A: hooooooooomework, i'm so fucking slacking and look how much i care!

good question!!
There is nothing like job hunting to make you question your worth. I have put out numerous resumes and have gotten one response for a part time job that pays alright but is too far away to consider. It's quite frustrating. One of my friends keeps sending help wanted ads my way but I don't think I am really qualified to do any of them...even...
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my stipulations for my summer job:
outside, during the day, ok pay
inside, at night, hot sexy pay

it's one or the other man
even though i won't end up getting anything i want
and i'm not ok with that
but that's my life for ya

1) middle name is Darlene, my moda's name
2) dude i hoarde everything - i used to not use my markers cause i didn't want to ruin the tips and waste the ink - if that's any idea at all
3) i travel somewhere every day, i went to the beach today
4) the fuckin' 80s denim ruffle skirts MUST DIE now
1) What's your middle name?
A: elizabeth
2) What are some things that you hoarde?
A: empty plastic bag,s and lightbulbs
3) Where was the last place you traveled to?
A: Long Island to see my in-laws
4) What's one fashion trend of late that you find highly annoying?
A: fake tans

Job hunting is the worst. I rememebr how miserable it made my husband. And I'm going to hate it in 6 weeks when I'm done with my externship. Good luck. kiss
I love writing cover letters...one should note the extreme sarcasm that goes along with that sentence, but I am having a strangely good time twisting in actual facts with piles of BS. I think my favorite sentence from today's adventures in Coverletterland is 'This job would be a new, exciting experience to use my customer service skills to assist your company in continuing to function...
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1. Their tails are differnt.

2. lying on the back lawn with a good book and some sunglasses

3. green eggs and ham
My personal joy when job hunting is to write bizzare cover letters and fire them and my resume off to jobs I am not even close to qualified for.

I don;t know why but somewhere deep inside it makes me happy to know that some placement office is getting a cover letter written in "ghetto slang" attached to a resume for a mechanic to become CFO of a multinational corporation.

Or that a laywers office received one where I explained that while no actually a lawyer I am quite good at bribing people and that is really waht's important in that line of work.

Or where I applied to be a chefs and stated my carrier goal was to be the next "typhoid Mary"

I am soooo easily amused when I have to much time on my hands!

1) I thought they where the saem... shows what I know!

2) Removing top and doors form Jeep. Enjoying the word

3) Dr Suess in general