well, I'm not sick. Test showed no hep and no mono. My doc said it was likely up because I had the flu last week.

So wooooooo for good health!
yay for not being sick! i think i have something, but i have to wait until thursday to find out. uuuughhhh.

cuddle is fun to say, for sure. wobblewobblewobble HAHAHA i'll be saying wobble all day
totally my motto now
So, APPARENTLY, there's something wrong with me.

I went for a checkup before I go back to school, which included some blood tests. My liver count came back elevated, so I had to go back and get some more tests done. Particularly for mono and hepatitis. My money's on mono, because I had it when I was in Grade 7. That was about 7 years...
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Since I haven't updated in a while, now might be a good time to write some more fantasy! I know you all love it wink

Varibs, the Council of Ancients, and the Nine Cantons

The main antagonists in this story is the Varib Empire. The Varibs are not necessarily evil, just ruthlessly expansionist and amoral. I guess that could be classified as evil, but I find...
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nopes. i have to lurk around the library with my laptop tongue
Well, yesterday was my last day of work. Woo! And I keep the dubious tradition of having to leave early on my last day. Last year I had to leave around 3 because I had to go to my brothers wedding rehearsal. This year I left around 330 because I was sick. I think I've got the flu.

But now I get to chill out...
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so you get to have a mini-vacation before school smile
Two Days. Just two days of work left. And then two weeks before I get to go back to school.

In other news, Bioshock comes out on tuesday! That should make the two weeks more bearable.
Just an update on my weekend.

We had a party for my parents 25th anniversary on saturday. Their anniversary is actually in November, but this is more fun. nothing major, just family. We got them tickets to the Daytona 500 next year. My Dad's a big NASCAR fan, and my mom likes it, too.

One of my friends, Meagan, came down to visit me form...
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my grandparents' 50th anniversary is coming up in the fall... but they hate each other and don't want a party. tongue
i want to bake a shitload of cupcakes and make salads and have a huge get-together. biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

hehe *thinks about calling the fire department and asking about using the banquet hall there*
Baba Oom, The Rite of Binding, the Blessing of Death, and the Zombie God.

Since most of you don't know this, I'll let you in a little open secret. I like writing. Specifically, I like writing fantasy and sci-fi. My current obsession is a fantasy story I started in my first year of university. It actually started just after I finished reading The Stand by...
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that secret isn't little anymore... its wide open. eeek

that was a pretty good story by stephen king. he's a good writer, he's the type that'll make you want to read more of his horror/ sci-fi stuff.

you know that isn't a bad idea for a fictional story.
death. zombies. religion. priests.... what's not to love? pure sci-fi! biggrin
you have an awesome imagination. i wouldn't even know where to begin with something like that. so cool love
Now is probably a good time to explain my job. I'm only going to have it for about three more weeks.

I work at Home Hardware, in their Garden Centre. My official title, I believe, is 'tree manager.' I'm in charge of the entire tree department. Don't get too excited, I'm the only person in it. Unofficial, every one just calls me the tree guy....
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i just... can't stay between the lines. lol i need to go out every single day and practice. short trips would be just fine, like to get groceries or whatever
dude.....i'd read it. good luck!

It's good to finally be here. I've wanted to get a membership here for a little while now. And I finally did it! Yeah!!


so you're a tree herder huh? that must be nice.
well at least now ur here. woo!
lets eat cake now! smile