Started college. Boring as hell. Students are asshole motherfuckers listening to shitty rap music who can't pronounce "deliberate" and would rather comment on how big lesbian titties are pieces of shit delinquits distracting actual students with their flashy hipster trust fund malarky designer clothing while texting in class about how fucking retarded pythagreous was and how gay his theorem is all the time wearing sunglasses...
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That's precisely why the whole concept fails. I just couldn't believe that this is *normal* behavior between adults. I never even spank my kid.
YEAH you know me!
Still miss my brother. Starting college on Tuesday. Nothing like Holyoke Community. Pretty excited though even though I never imagined I would be going there. It's only for a semester though. In January I'm going to UMASS full time.

Thinking of buying a camera because I actually don't own one. Pretty sure I want a halfway decent dslr. Looking at something like a nikon d60....
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My brother is living in philly right now. On Wednesday my dad and mom and I helped him move in. The neighborhood is all right. IT's in south philly and it's only like a 15 minute walk to pats! IT was a pretty exciting voyage. My dad was driving a 16 foot box truck but he was treating it like a sports car just going...
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Holy shit. I've been awake for more then thirty hours now. Yesterday night my brother and I were hanging with some friends. We were kind of bored so we wanted something to do. WIth our heads put together we came up with a gnarly road trip.

My brother just got an apartment in South Philly so we came up with a plan to drive down...
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I finally have internet service and a computer to use with it. Overjoyed. I have a lot to say and I don't really know where to start. I guess I'll start with my family. About a month ago we moved. Not really far but we had to endure the hassle of moving, packing and all that crap.

In this moving process my family kind of...
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lol i'm already immuno-compromised to begin with tho, which is why they think a simple infection was able to spread to my blood so easily. it usually takes a much stronger infection to do that, but since i'm stubborn and like to pretend my body's stronger than it is, i didn't stop the moderate infection, thus allowing it to become the nasty blood infection it is today. i really hate my life sometimes.
i know it will but right now it seems close to impossible
My boss thinks I stole eight dollars from the register tonight. Eight dollars. Pardon my language but what the fuck? If I was going to rob the register I wouldbe taken more then that then shot the bird to everyone around me and walked off. She even made me empty my pockets because she thought I stole money. Luckily I didn't bring any money to...
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oh im not dying my hair bc of them dont worry
Things have settled down with my parents. It looks like my pops is going to move to Egypt, my mom to Philly, and my brother and I will be living by ourselves
in mass. Fun and exciting! My drummer is coming back from Vegas on Tuesday so hopefully we can start doing shows. I'm at work right now and I just ate some awesome ass...
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I'm getting really sick and tired of my family. For the last three weeks I have been incredibly depressed. Probably because my dad makes fun of me everyday. He expects me to take care of all his shit while he enjoys his life but the second something fucks up, he automatically points to me. He acts like it is my fault he is in extreme...
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Eventually you get to make that choice and do what's best for yourself. I was about your age when my pops and I about came to blows. I had to move out and our relationship improved dramatically. Why does he expect so much from you and not your brother?
I am really bored. REALLY BORED. I sleep until two in the afternoon because I know I have nothing to do. All I did today was pack up my room because I'm moving so now all that's left in my room is a pc and a bed. I can't jam with my drummer because he's in Vegas and playing guitar by myself sucks. No car...
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So my friend is moving to Nevada and he is also my band mate. All my amps, guitars, pedals and cables were in his basement because that's where we played. During his moving process he seemed to have misplaced a briefcase I had full of monster cables. Why does this matter you ask? Because they are monster cables which cost about $30 each. I had...
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ooh that sucks frown hope you find them!