And the stranger returns...

I haven't been on here much in the last month. What can I say, I've been a busy bee!

Work has been a nightmare but to be honest I don't care all that much. I have been on a completely different planet since I found out.....

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Im gonna be a DADDY! biggrin

Im so fucking stoked. It's something...
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Congrats Daddy! biggrin

Glad everythings going good.
Congratulations daddy o wink
OMG it's a NEW blog!

So it's been a while since I last made a blog and to be honest not a whole lot has happened.

I went to Scotlan for the week with work. I didn't get to see much of Scotland itself though due to being in work 8am-8pm. My whole time there was spent shared between job site, pub & hotel room....
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That is one awesome beard tongue I envy thee.
hey stranger! miss your face. hope everything is well smile
Scotland Trip Is A Go!

Due to the snow the trip was cancelled. Now we have all this nice weather it's back on biggrin Gonna be one long ass drive!

Never been to Scotland before so kinda excited smile Hello Fife!
Love the new profile pic.
Oh man so lucky. I want to go to Scotland so much. Hope you have an excellent time wink
A Dog Tale

For those of you how don't know I have got a puppy, a boxer called Opie(yes from Sons Of Anarchy) biggrin

Had him a few months now and it's safe to say that he's a bloody idiot. I have had dogs all my life and he is, with out a shadow of a doubt, one of the simplest ones.

Took him for a...
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he is so handsome
just like his pop
New Music

I have been on a mission to find me some new music, getting fed up with what is on my ipod at the moment.

Here are a few of the 'better' things I have found:

Red Fang - Prehistoric Dog

Adebisi Shank - You Me

We Versus The Shark - You Don't Have To Kick It

Giraffes? Giraffes! - When Catholic Girls Go...
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Pulled Down Shade - Charles Bukowski

what I like about you
she told me
is that you're crude --
look at you sitting there
a beercan in your hand
and a cigar in your mouth
and look at
your dirty hairy belly
sticking out from
under your shirt.
you've got your shoes off
and you've got a hole
in your right stocking
with the big...
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my account is supposed to expire today and i am a bit broke so i will have to take a break from here for a bit. msn anytime in the morning...i miss your face <33
Work this one out...

I have a problem....I like to spend money. All the time. Even if I don't have any. So I orderd some stuff off of amazon recently. The delivery system is a little bit of a mess mind:

Order 1 - Placed 28th Dec 2010 / Estimated Delivery 5th Jan 2011 (Not Arrived Yet)
Order 2 - Placed 29th Dec 2010 /...
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Amazon has been broke for the last month. Or just doesn't like delivering to Wales x
Still hasn't arrived! ARGH! Must just be where in Wales im living frown
New Year, New Me?

I don't usually do new years resolutions, but alot has changed for me in the last few months. My life is nothing like it used to be. This is both a good & sad thing.

So I have decided that I will this year make some resolutions. Now I know most are made to be broken which is why I have...
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ADORABLE!!! kiss