I was meaning to watch The Ramen Girl. I swear.

EDIT: Just added to Netflix Insta-queue.
Trying to write a grown-up professional-esqe performer bio about myself is fucking HARD.

And when I say grown-up professional-esqe bio, I would kind of like it to not read like these two bios I dug up from my high school past:

Paolo Sambrano can be compared to an airplane full of cheerleaders that crash-landed in Candyland. the resulting debris was a peppermint and shrapnel laced...
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aweee the testimonial you left me was sweet. You are welcome. How is your week going hun?
Ticket acquired!

I'll be headed over to Austin for South by Southwest by Southwest (Airlines). Now it's official!

(Cross posted from my Live Journal. It's not like the meaning of the staged reading changed significantly between these two blogging platforms)

Expansion. That is/was the theme of the reading.

The afterglow of the staged reading on Saturday is starting to wear off. It's being replaced with a sense of planning. I am living in that next steps phase. What do I do now. How...
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The Staged Reading was yesterday. I'm still kind of processing what just happened.

Oh, it was good alright. It was good.

I'll try to debrief/process it all tomorrow.
When I was working at FedEx a couple of years ago (I lasted for three days) one of my biggest fears was opening one of the shipping canisters and discovering that it was full of dead hookers. I have this fear thanks first episode of the second season of The Wire to thank for that.

The staged reading is tomorrow! This is feeling like a...
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The Shitty First Draft (tm) of Bi-Posuer is official.
A cup of flour it is!!! Anything else? hahahah! Thanks for the support and love on my new set! It means a lot!
Solo performance, if done badly, is nothing more than therapy on stage, and is only a couple of places removed from masturbating vigorously on stage for an hour and a half (plus intermission).
It's official. After the events of the past couple of weeks, the holidays can seriously fuck off. I've become such a cliche.

In trying to end this entry on a positive note, I am almost certain that by Wednesday (Thursday at the latest) I will have the official official first draft of the one hour version of my one man show. Workshopped the ending with...
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I know I am knee deep in the writing of my first full length solo show, Bi-Poseur, but I can't help but shake off this new idea for something that I think would kick most ass. I've only told three people about it, but I feel like if I tell more I'd jinx it.

So for now, it's a secret. Although I feel like I...
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Shout outs to everybody in the SG Weight Loss group. Thanks for helping me keep on going, twenty pounds later.

Here's to twenty more!

And then here's to a healthy height to weight ratio!