okay... It's done. Enjoy! I was double tagged by PaintedBat and Pandamonium There will be a quiz later with fabulous prizes for the winner.
20 things you didn't know about rabidus.
I kept putting this off until I had time to do it but work hasn't slacked off so I'm just going to keep updating this until I'm done
- i'm probably older than you think. amazingly i'm 40. i have no idea how i got this old. i'm pretty sure i was 19 last week. i think it was some sort of temporal vortex thingy. i promise i act no more than 23 on a good day.
- i'm married. sorry girls she said i can look by i can't touch. there's at least 1 crazy woman out there and i snapped her up. she's very cute and i luv her lots
she'll read SG over my shoulder once in a while but doesn't get into the online community like i do.
- gasp - and i have kids. holy shit how did that happen?. talk about sexual arts and crafts. my boys are 11 & 13 which is amazing because we only had them like a week or 2 ago. they're more squirelly than i am (if that's possible). the older one is a bit geeky like his dad and the younger one will either be president in a week or get the neighbor girl knocked up. i'll keep you posted.
- i teach karate - i've been doing Karate for 7 years now (i'm a 2nd degree black belt). it's sort of the if you hang around some place long enough you'll end up teaching kind of thing. we have a great group of people we alternatively get beat up by and drink with. it's fun!
- to get an extra dose of humility - i'm also taking brazillian ju-jitsu lessons. just started that this summer (i'm a white belt) i'm continually getting my ass pinned to the ground by 120# women. it'd be fun it i wasn't trying to win. but i get a lot more "mat time" to improve my grappling
- i joined SG to look at the nekid chicks (yes I'm a perv) but now I spend more time on the boards or posting on someones journal than anything else.
- I'm an Eagle Scout. I've been some very cool places with scouting. My son just went to the national jamboree(yeah the one where the scout leaders got electrocuted and it was hot as fuck). He told me about being marched out to the assembly area to see good old GeorgeW in 112 degree heat. they waited there for 2 hours and then GW didn't show because there was a storm in DC. Umm... hello... you could have called
- I'm a crazy workout machine. I started lifting weights a year or so ago and now I feel really anxious and weird if I don't lift for more than 3-4 days. I'm not a big muscle head just toned.
- I'm tall on the inside but only 5'7" on the outside.
- I don't like the new SG mainpage layout. it's waaaayyyy too busy. i liked it a lot better when you had 2 girls a day. now i just can't keep up with all the sets. i think the newer girls get sort of short changed because their 24 hours of attention is now down to about 3 until someone new bumps them as "new".
- I don't like the Green Bay Packers (gasp) a heretic in packerland. i've never had particular interest in professional sports and i strongly resent having to pay 1/2% sales tax to subsidize people who can affort to pay $175 / game to enjoy gold plated water faucets at Lambeau Field
- I'm a reformed vegan after 6 years. It was hard to start eating meat again at first. But now I'm back to it. I had a fabulous fillet mignon for dinner Saturday. It was too difficult to get enough good protein and cut down my carb intake.
- I have 2 siameese cats named Sasha & Melee. I named Sasha and my girl named Melee. Her reasoning at the time was if you have 2 cats you always have a melee.
Here's a pic
As you can see by the red eyes they are both minions of Satan (probably in league with Tessa the spy)
- If we're having a conversation and you said did you see the movie "xyz" - the answer is always no. I'm too ADD to watch a movie at home. I just can't frikin sit still for that long without doing something.
- I've been to the Renfair several times. I have my own costume, appropriately I'm a peasant. huzzah!
- I lived in Florida (Venice to be precise) for a couple of years but I had to move back because my girl didn't like the bugs.
ahh Palmetto bugs - nothing like a huge frikin cockroach that flys
- I'm an environmentalist. I'm one of those people who will pickup garbage of the ground even if it's not mine.
- I'm a perfectionist -- kinda
I'm not one of those "good enough" people. I hate it when I ask someone to do something and they do it half assed. Just do it right or don't fukin do it at all
Aren't you glad you asked
- i want to get a tattoo around my left calf something like the one Gage has around her arm. I really like the japaneese dragon style. Maybe a bit more red it in though... and bigger, yeah that's it lots bigger.
- well i'm up to number 20. this was waaayyyy too difficult for me to sit down and do. if i could tag a friend for each HOUR it took me to do this I'd get everyone on my list and half of SG as collateral damage. anyway it was interesting to think of what to dredge up.
ttfn -> rabidus
oh - I tag Capt_Sparrow if he can drag his buritto filled brain away from the counter.
Kay when she gets back from vacation
serenekerosene who is currently AWOL
20 things you didn't know about rabidus.
I kept putting this off until I had time to do it but work hasn't slacked off so I'm just going to keep updating this until I'm done

As you can see by the red eyes they are both minions of Satan (probably in league with Tessa the spy)

ahh Palmetto bugs - nothing like a huge frikin cockroach that flys

ttfn -> rabidus

oh - I tag Capt_Sparrow if he can drag his buritto filled brain away from the counter.
Kay when she gets back from vacation
serenekerosene who is currently AWOL
i hate sweet bbq sauce....eewww.
but my mom's recipe doesn't have vinegar either. i never seem to like any of the sauces i buy off the shelf. that's why i finally had to call my mom up and ask for her recipe. hmmm, perhaps i am not the bbq sauce connoisseur i have made myself out to be. i only seem to like mom's version.
