It's here. That day when that mythical little diaper wearing bastard comes meddling with peoples lives. It's one of those cathartic moments, when your eyes meet for the first time. Some say love, my moneys on the tequila. Whatever the reason, romance is in the air. Stop perpetuating the cliches of the social media, flowers, chocolate, diamonds, etc.... Do something that tells them you KNOW...
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It would be incredible but the sad truth is that most people are to caught up in their world. But hey its nice if even one person tries smile
Hope your day was good.
Thanks for your lovely words blush
Dear Darwin: You missed a couple. Sigh. I miss the days when you took shoplifters out back and beat the shit outta them before handing what was left of there ass over to the cops....if you bothered to call the cops. Still recovering from my lovely 36 hr day, was up for almost 48. I may be a little bit over sensitive, so instead of...
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Oh man these cracked my ass up. Freakin classic for serious!
Right on man that's what I like to hear!
lol - the pics are too funny.
To all transsexuals in the world: 5 o'clock shadow and fake tits are not a good combo. Got me to thinking, what possesses a person to mutilate themselves like that? He clearly likes the cock, good for him. Doesn't mean he can't still be a man, who like men. No, he has to attempt some half assed effort to become a he/she, ruining his sexuality....
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Lame. Well hopefully it will all be ok with work. smile
Yes working out is always a good thing even when you don't want to.
Thank you. Yes im feeling pretty good. Let the good times roll. How's life with you? I hope its fantastic. smile
Just watched " the girl with the Dragon Tattoo". I highly endorse it as a must see. Murder, intrigue, suspense, vengeance, and some pretty hot sex scenes.

I was never one to believe in fate. I especially don't believe in coincidence. Cause, effect, yin, yang, good, evil, stimulus, reaction.....etc. Measurable and predictable variables, these I have found true. Know someone well enough, and you can...
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i chose draconic because i was heavily into the SCA as a kid and i wanted something to capture that. plus i love dragons and different languages.
I wouldn't but you know it's always different when it's a friend. Anywho I'm done. I'm just gonna live my life and hope she's happy. And thanks.smile
Haha! What can I say I have really good taste lmao!!
SInce my network service sucks dick. I will have to finish the rest of my previous blog tomorrow.
Okay, so this is a long overdue request by CeresStar on how to de-bone your holiday turkey. So this is your only warning, if you are squeemish, vegan, or generally grossed out or offended by pics of dead animals- DON'T READ FURTHER. If you do, and you complain I will simply tell you to fuck off, so please just save us both some time.

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" So this is Christmas, laaaa la laaaa la, and what have I done, laaa la laaa la", well I sold lots of turkeys, and ran off my bum. Such a shitty season, the company I work for has their head up their asses. BUT the customers were shockingly good spirited for the most part. Lots of smiles, which is nice. Still have zero in...
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wink I love to cook. And the bread was amazing! That was the easiest thing of all that to make lol.
Her body came out so well! The show left me with mixed feelings but i'm not certain how they are going to pulled a second season out of their fun buns. Thank you for input chief smile

Couldn't sleep last night. My conflict of conscience is fucking with my head. Night terrors it is then I guess. At least no one has to wake up and hear me screaming. Found out this afternoon that a close friend passed away. She was an awesome woman who taught me a lot. Traditional, old school Irish. She forever captured my respect through her integrity in...
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I'm so sorry. frown
Hang in there.
Yea you would think but not so much lol. Im lucky if I get one actual person in my area lmao!!! Good thing I have an imagination.tongue
I was trying to figure out today, when I became such a morally corrupt person. When I was in my early 20's I had all these morals. Then I spent my free time killing them off one by one. I have one lonesome moral left, but I can never remember what it is. I've been non committal for just over 3 years, and I've finally...
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Oh my friend. Do what you will. In the long wrong it's your life. Ultimately you are the driver to whatever you life gives you or doesn't.
I'm not big on helping anyone cheat so I can't really say anything about that. I've been cheated on ohhhh lets just say more than I care to talk about. I'm a strong believer in what goes around comes around. Now having said that. I don't think that means it always happens to you but to someone who you truly care about too. Could be your child, mother, brother, sister, etc...you get my point.
I guess it just depends on how you look at it and what person you choose to be. If you feel like you're not doing anything wrong then hey it's your life and you do as you will.
Hopefully the boyfriend or the girl don't turn crazy on you. LOLwink
So 3 weeks. 3 weeks and this year is over and done with. Work sucks the big salami, right down to the base. I am being forced to go to a staff dinner for my fellow supervisors. My boss tried to force me to go to the staff Christmas party, but I plainly suggested me + alcohol + plus some of the fucktards I work...
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So i read today this huge story on how the Salvation Army had declared war on the LGBT community. Now I'm not a fan of the Salvation Army to begin with, being a corrupt greed fueled organization run by the religious right hand of intolerance; however, I do support helping those is need like food banks, soup kitchens etc. My beef started when I read...
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awww thank you so much! i certainly hope so! i know i read that too and i was like wtf salvation army? haha