Well after being pissed last night. I fig fuck it. I was able to help some one past a bad time. I should have know better then too think any life long choise could be made by the person. I guess we cant control what feelings we have. FOr now ill be the friend i was during the bad time. No matter i had my...
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Well still around. been out and about like always. Sick of being nice too ppl or trying to do right for anyone. starting too be a worthless cause. Was a big dick when i was younger. I fig why not be again, Bah and meow till later. skull miao!!

Well back in Tx. Happy to be back. On a funny note on the way back. locked my keys in the car. So i just broke out the back window. It figs new car and didnt even make it a month with out brakeing somthing. Oh well other then that back to work tomorrow. So meow moew till later robot miao!! skull
Well, I kinda slept all day yesterday so thats why I didn't call back. Stayed up all night til about 9 or so in the morning.

I mentioned going to the shooting range with my friend with you and whoever else wants to go. So when your in town we're so doing that if you still want to. He did say how weird it would be if you just got back from shit over there and would go shoot guns. My friends were both in the military. One in armr (went to Iraq 2 or so years ago) and other in marines.
He said money will be tight for about 3 or so weeks so when did you want to visit up here?
Hope trip went well and your in one piece. Sorry bout the car. Get a clip for the belt. Thats how I don't lose them. Well, the concert no, but mine is plastic. I want one of those metal loop things. I see them at sporting good stores. So cool. biggrin
Yeah, call me tonight. I shall be home.
Sorry for being MIA - I'm backwink

Kisses kiss kiss
I still am alive. There fucking blood all in my right eye from about 2 weekends ago. got to drunk and hit the floor. Sooooo for my b-day i get too go too the docs. thats cool. Get too spend all tomorrow night and all thursday with a close friend. Other then that i have made peace with 2 ppl who where close to me...
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hey happy birthday
im going to be in your town tomorrow
for a funeral sadly what's fun to do in killeen?
FREE FOR 30days. Flying out of the bitch tomorrow with tankmut. Hanging out with him for 5-7days in NY then home to Pa. If anyone lives around Pa thats wants to hang out leave somthing here. it could be super fun.SOOOOOOOOOO i guess good bye too anyone whos looks at this and meow till i pop up again. miao!! skull
Well - I hope you enjoy your weekend offbiggrin There is nothing like a little time to unwind huh?

Kisses kiss kiss
Hows the adventure of family going?
WELLL BACK IN TX AND TRYING TO GET ROOM SET UP> I own too much shit. lol oh well. i have been out since being back every night. many funny story. will write tomorrow i hope. meow till then. miao!! skull
*giggles* I loved your comment - your funnybiggrin As for Military girls, I don't try to be a priss when I know that Army life is suppose to be hard work. On the other hand - I don't try to look like shit all the time. I feel like I am one of the boys, and maybe that is what is killing my love life. Oh well - I'll keep doing my job cause I love itbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
Again - your too funnybiggrin Of course I am a girl out side of work - but I am a good girlwink the only difference is that if you piss me off - I have a riflewink

As for AIM - I am an MNS gal myselfbiggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
LOL fuck you baghdad. out of this shit hole tomorrow. Then its back to Tx and home to pa and back to Tx again. ONe last time. FUCK YOU BAGHDAD.
When will you be here? Call me or e-mail me.
Call my cell man.
Welll i will not be updateing till april after tonight. not like i do much anyway. soooo if anyone cares, not that anyone dose next update should be back home. But times back in TX should bring some fun filled read aheads. till then bye and if i die... fuck.
Your not going to die so shut the fuck up NOW. wink
This week has been shit, but eh its life. Too many people are passing away in feb. and its odd.
Hope your well, I know i will be tomorrow night. I just get goofy when alone, think too much and get sad. Going for pool and drinks tomorrow with SG peoples and friends of mine. WHOO
biggrin kiss skull ooo aaa

Well 4 days of fun filled times our ahead. 4 blood filled days. 4 more days closer to maybe geting out of here. 4 less days till i see the bears.
Blood is icky
what the fuck is this re-up shit im hearin trader. puke

At the end. With pistol in hand and you by my feet sleeping. I wonder if you ever knew me, or why we meet. I'm have been told things like this our gods work. So that must mean i'm doing gods work, sending all his lost angels home.