My one and only...


The only thing I can do when I think of you or talk to you is block out all the really dumb shit you're doing right now, and go back to the lake, or the beach under the stars... In those places you made sense, you touched my soul, we connected and the whole fucking world...
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Hey I hear you're touching down in Brisbane for the Garuva Restaurant! dinner on the 17th April? Awesome smile
Life back here is pretty peachy right now, thanks missus. I'm gainfully employed, generally sans drama and have a direction that seems to be pointing towards rainbows and sugar, all is well with the world.

Now I've said that everything is going to go terribly wrong, of course. How goes The Big Move? Are you settling in and feeling at home?

My heart is soaring... I smile at the mention of your name, the thought of your touch, the words you give me <3

Yesterday was such a surreal day. Being at work and being so contemplative, exchanging words whilst chained via USB. Passing thoughts and ideas to someone very special...

And then comes the formula...

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,...
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