Well, I have my company Christmas party today. I am sure my company Christmas party sucks more than your company Christmas party.
Ok, here are the details, it is a potluck, so I have to cook for the company party. It is in the office during work hours, AND there is a mandatory in-service during the party.
Plus we are expected to be keep up...
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its not sad its kind of why i asked the last time i can remember being happy for more then a few hours was about 4 months ago but it only lasted a few days now it seem like i'm lucky if i get a few mins happiness every week

it sounds like you had a bad day i don't think they should be about to call that a party it was more like having lunch or something and no a turkey is not a bonus i would be mad about that also
I just did my Christmas baking, well I can not call it baking...I made truffles! cookie dough truffles and crunchy peanut butter truffles! I was literally up to my elbows in chocolate.
After all the work on the truffles, I do not want to even see them, the smell of chocolate is nauseating me.
I feel very Betty Crocker now.
I have a chocolate covered...
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haha ok shes the cutest thing ever!! and she likes biting tigs on little bushes and trees, she whines if i dont give her all my attention, she bounces around and i think its cuter than anything ive ever seen she already climbs up and down stairs, she knows where to go when she wants in the house but she doesnt know where to go when she wants out to go potty so she finds a better place haha, shes just starting to recognize her name....i guess i should post more pics
damn i miss eatting sweets whatever
i didn't know you could get the wrif in ohio thats cool
yesterday and today i had to work out side in the snow and cold the rest of the week i work inside guess what its going to be warmer just my luck god i hate the cold is it spring yet tongue
I am starting to feel the holiday stress, I know it is not supposed to be stressful, but I can make even the most fun things in life stressful, call it a gift.

I am making a ton of glass vases, bowls, and mugs to give away for Christmas. This is the last week I have to blow (glass) and still have it be ready...
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a blown glass stethoscope? surreal

i'm no help.
I have a cold, I know it could be worse, but I HATE being even a little sick. I am lucky though, my husband rubbed my back and is slightly spoiling me...

I am going on a hiking trip this weekend, I just hope to get enough sleep before I leave, so that I can enjoy the weekend.

I have such a fun weekend planned,...
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Hope you feel better! Being sick sucks ass. That's what husbands are for! biggrin
have fun
WellI finally retired my nipple piercing, I feel so naked. I am also concerned that my nipple will not heal properly. I am trained in scar massage, so I am not so worried about scaring, I am worried that it will abscess while it heals, most likely an unfounded fear.
While considering a replacement piercingI am not allowed to have visible piercings at work, I...
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that's too bad about the nipple piercing. i had both pierced but one wouldn't heal after nearly 3 years and the other one was eventually removed due to repeated irritation from martial arts training (ouch!). the septum's a tough call, not too many people can wear it. i took out all my piercings except the ears, and stick to the tattoos. they heal much more quickly!
love indeed!!!
It is a sad day, I will be retiring my nipple piercing today frown
It has migrated, and it needs to come out. frown
But I do need to get a piercing to replace it. I can not have any noticeable facial piercings if I want to keep my job. Can you get a retainer for the septum that you cant see? Or is there an plug...
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awww, that sucks!!! I haven't had to retire any piercings yet, but I'm sure I'll cry when I do. frown

and yeah, I'm pretty much satisfied with life right now.. which is saying a lot for me! smile
wow glassblowing cool yeah i think im going to have to take out mine too... frown "toledo" by burt bacharach and elvis costello is one of my fav. songs smile
I am on a mad cleaning spree. I swear my house will be immaculate by the time CSI is on! smile

I have a fear that now that I sat down for a break I will not get my momentum back. frown

I may need to have shitty freezer food for dinner, so as not to mess up my nearly pristine kitchen.
um yeah.....it was. How did you get going on that cleaning spree of yours? I could use some inspiration myself.... smile
I hope not. Maybe I'll post in my sleep? zzzzzz
I love getting away for the weekend, I swear knowing I will not be in toledo for at least a few days makes my work week much more tolerable.

I am very excited I am starting up glass blowing again, that means I get to make tons of beautiful lopsided works of art on a weekly basis. my house is full of the shit, but...
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Mmm. Soup. I am happy now! I'm so evil! Very evil!
haha yeah i couldnt wait til 2007!! haha thats hilarious. you can come over and play with my puppy though. ive thought about how responsible ill be. its just gonna suck when i wanna go somewhere. but ill make it work. come to my house warming party!!! theres already beer in the fridge!! haha
It is getting cold, i am not a big fan of cold weather.

on a diffrent subject...

I am going hiking this weekend with my backpacking group. we all go hiking then have a big potluck and everyone drinks and laughs and tells stories. I know it sounds silly, but it is a lot of fun. Infact it is the last time we can hike...
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That does sound fun, I need to get outside more or at least to a gym. Exercise!

It was a productive day at the library, Serratia marcescens, and it only took me about 3 hours to figure that out. It was a fun time though.
I touched all the knobs. You're in for the death cold now. That's cool you keep so busy in the Winter. Probably makes the season much more enjoyable. I pretty much just shut myself in.
well, i am still upset about the election, but i got tons of sleep this weekend and i am starting to relax about the whole thing.
I worked my ass off to get bush out of office, but i did not succeed, i do not think there is anything i can do now.

I am going hiking this weekend with friends, i can not wait....
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Today I have a job interview. i am nervous!!
the hardest thing is that I HATE change, what if they offer me like 5 bucks more an hour, slightly better bennifits, 4 more vacation days, but less flexability, the requirement to work with the same people day after day, and less flexability and having to work some weekends??

wish me luck!
someone else's site smile
I have no time for sleep... but Ihave a feeling there will be a shouting match with the next person to piss me off... lol..

thanks for the advice!
suckity suck,suck suck sucks
booooo to rough times. frown
i lived in Cincinnati for 8 years and Dayton for 2 years, so i know what you mean (in addition to how the election turned out). i think this country is becoming more conservative as a result of 9/11 -- fear seems to inspire people to reach for their "values" as a means of security. but for some reason, though i do feel things are about to get a lot worse on many levels, the journey ahead may inspire some changes that ultimately prove better in the long run.