I've really got to get into the habit of updating this more quickly after events, as time steals away my recollections more and more, and so I end up with an all too brief summary, which isn't good!

So, I did indeed visit Lizie in Aberystwyth at the tail end of May, stepping onto the train mere hours after my final exam. The journey was...
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While life continues apace, I thought I'd jot down a few musings on a book I recently digested and thoroughly enjoyed, Jack Kerouac's On the Road. The book's place as a cultural document reflecting the mood of it's era is assured, and I do not doubt thousands upon thousands of words have been written critiquing it to the smallest detail. Here's my $0.02.

It took...
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Jesus, I swear I updated this thing only yesterday.

It's been a pretty busy month all-round, really. Obviously it all kicked off with the multitudinous shenanigans detailed in my last entry, but certainly didn't slow down.

On the work front, I've finally finished. The End of Uni, No More Education, Free To Learn WHAT I WANT. Mmm, feels good.

I downed the 6000 word essay...
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i couldn't be fucked with education so i decided to move to the other side of the world for a year! i take my hat off to u for completin uni! smile
My word, so very many cobwebs. How quickly they gather.

Well, soon dealt with.

In that spirit, I return to document my travails and exploits, plucking the jewels of iniquitous revelry from the placid sea of monotony that constitutes my life in general.

Going back a long ways indeed, to the end of January, I saw Dragonforce with Lucy. They were playing Leeds Met with...
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My net died for a long time. Too long, terribly long. Was a very odd experience, particularly as it failed after I'd finished my essays were due and, after my exam was done, I had about two weeks of kicking about the house with nowt to do.

What have I been up to? Reading. Going out. Playing too much Zelda: Wind Waker, and Prince of...
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Blargh. New Year, New things to keep me busy.

Life is hectic as usual, I can't even recall the things I've been up to sometimes, it's getting so busy.

- Not doing enough work.
- Getting punched in the head.
- Going to Switzerland.
- Having an awesome New Year's Eve.
- Getting some lovely presents.

Life is good right now, although I have a...
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what did you get punched in the head for?
If I were the kind of person to get fucked up, and fuck up, and just plain fuck in some dank little club rathole-in-the-wall joint in a no-name town on the edge of the civilised world, I'd listen to some serious music. And I don't mean angry-face serious, I mean fucking dark and rancid rock 'n' roll with menace and malice and swagger.

"Look at...
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( ) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(X) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
( ) I've Never Been To Japan
( ) I've Never Been In A Taxi
( ) I've Never Been In Love
(X) I've Never...
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Tegan go bye bye, sadness ensues.

Happy trails, nice lady!
Fuck you, insomnia.

Work tomorrow, joy of joys. 6000 words, 2 essays... and a shitload of books.

Gotta write, gotta research my dissertation, gotta do prep and get ready.

But home in a week, for better or wose. Can't wait.
Hello there. I saw your post here and thought I'd say hello, as that is my name, also. Surname, to be exact. Cheers.