NIN is not good music to try and calm do to all the time. Mr. Self Destruct came on and I punched the wall so hard I made a hole and busted a knuckle.
Why the hole, you ask? Well I'll tell you.
I've had so much shit from various people in work, from friends and family about how I live my life. They say...
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Yet again I am single. After asking me to reconsider a day after she dropped me, she has found someone else less than a week later. Damn near broke my heart with a 1am AIM conversation. Can't dwell on it though, that's the kind of thing that destroys people. After i secure my second job next week, I'm going to throw myself into everything and...
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For a boring person such as myself, the past year or so has been rather eventful.
Getting and losing said girlfriend, only for her to ask if we can try again a day later. Job changes, losses, and subsequent return. Real production on my web-comic, now within easy sight of actual launch (pics soon!), and a house move. This may sound like the regular kind...
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I'm single again.
We both agreed to it. Long distance, lack of communication and our age difference were the nails in the coffin.
I go from feeling queasy to an overall numbness in minutes.
I just don't know what I am supposed to be thinking at this very second.
She helped me through alot of shit, and I like to think I helped her in...
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thanks for commente in mi ste fluor love smile

Sorry, had to get that out of my system.
I'm still stuck in the nineties. I liked life more then. I wasn't aware of much outside of my world of vintage cartoons, science fiction and a good couple of school friends.
But the friends are gone now, and life has become a complex series of challenges and trials that tax my brain and body to...
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Nooooooooooo no live action! its gonna ruin an awesome film!
Going to see it tonight smile looks like a good film
Well, things are finally on the up again. Got my old job back at the Hope Tap, and housing have FINALLY got back to me offering help as I work to pay the rent. I'm hoping to finish uploading and selling the last few manga books I have on ebay to raise some much needed cash and get to see my lovely girlfriend (finally). I'm...
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Quake is a classic. id games Doom and Duke Nukem should be good on your lappy too. Lets us know your domain URL once thats up and running.
Indeed. Picked up Duke Nukem 3D when 3D Realms lost the DNF team in 2009 for cheap. I'll blog like mad when my site goes live!
Back in the 'Tap, as of next week. have to train up and redo my training as I've been gone a few months, but otherwise its business as usual. If any of you are from Reading, pop in and say hi, cheer me up, then meet me at the Turtle after and hear me drown in a snakebite. Gurgle burble...
I drew the roughs of...
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Rant ahead - use caution.
It took four days for my mood to change from pleasant and optimistic to angry and foul.
With the job situation finally sorted out (more or less), I was hoping that everything would start to look up and go my way for a bit. Sure I was going to struggle for a few months, but after it would al...
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Hey y'all!
Its been an interesting week for me. Asthma, my former boss bad mouthing me to my potential new employers, and learning to cook (properly).
I'm not letting any of it get me down, but maintaining a positive attitude can be a struggle at times like these. Additionally so with my girlfriend on holiday and out of contact most of the time. Long distance...
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lol I couldnt DIY pierce that does scare my shitless, but this would be ok as really its not a piercing lol. I dunno I hate the idea of doing anything to myself except this smile this im fine with
Just been looking at some website with images of it all. The end result looks nice, but the process seems pretty...drawn out and painful. I don't think bifurcation is for me, but best of luck if you go through with it!
Random Sunday update!
Hey hey. How you all been?
Me? I've had a really good week. So good, I'm writing up a blog a few days early to show it! Lately things seemed to progressing from bad to worse, with the job loss and subsequent inability to find another, the cancellation of my trip to Boston MA to see my Ducky, and getting asked to...
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doug was my favorite cartoon series is super cool biggrin
Yeah, he was pretty awesome. I loved the way his imagination would run wild.
Yup. Still job less. But now fully moved in and settled down, so I can finally begin working on designs and comics without fear of losing/destroying the work. Aside from a dog that insists on spazzing out every time I enter the house, its bliss here. Not as many police sirens and screaming children (surprising for a sprawling estate), and with the woods at...
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Yea I have 2 sets up on there and its all going good smile am enjoying it.

Shooting more sets Sunday too biggrin exciting!

Hows you?
That's great news! Glad to hear You've more of an audience there!
I'm well, thank you. No luck with a job still, but out of my old house and a lot happier for it.
Hope to see your new stuff at some point. Have fun on Sunday! biggrin
Greetings from the warmest bedroom in the entire British isles!
I'm now fully based in my new home, with my gear all moved in (Thanks Dad!). But with the unrelenting heat and the airing cupboard in my room, I'm sweating like nobodies business. God bless deck fans, if they wouldn't chop my dick into confetti, I'd make sweet, cool love to mine.
So, I saw...
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