Alright, so today was a bit busy;

Went to work to start the hiring process for the upcoming work season... Had one person no-show and another person who I think I'll end up hiring because he seems excited about working. Went through 28 resume's for flag people... so many students.

I also had my consult for my tattoo. It's my first tattoo! A full sleeve,...
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nope havent forgot
Have fun on your travels!
Whoops... been a little bit.

Last night went out with my traveling buddy, and we booked our hotel in Paris and started making our plans for Europe. A living, breathing plan that can be flexible for the both of us. Realized that arriving in Amsterdam might be expensive, then started to chat with a guy at the bar who's friend lives there, so we might...
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thanks for the advice on how to deal with my label supplier! i normally order from someone else, but they're out of commission cause they're moving! this shit is frustrating, cause i don't want to put my stuff out there without labels. if i gets dire, i'll get some fabric markers and just make my own.
doing what???
So today was the day I got my ears pierced... lol... again... pierced at a 6 gauge, stretch them out to a 4 or 2... we'll see. A bit tender. I was worried the actual piercing bit would have hurt more than it did, but I didn't cry, or yelp, lol. The most painful part was when we walked outside and the cold wind blasted...
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You're right, thanx for the advise. Yes, I should not make a hasty judgement, but the way she talks about him online annoys me. So disrespectful, like he's not more than a cute accessory. I hate it when people bitch about my friends.
Thank you kiss
So I'm pretty much all packed up and ready to head back home to Edmonton tomorrow. It's been a blast being in BC, close to Vancouver for the past 2 months. I'm going to miss the weather, friends, the relaxed nature and the mountains. I will be back though soon.
The only casualty thus far during this trip was a small beaded bracelet and my...
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you're so sweet thank you blush
So I still haven't found my keys from the Mt. Baker excursion, which makes me sad. I can replace all the keys very easily except one... My motorbike fuel key! This is the only key I had to fill my bike up with gas, which I'm thinking is going to be a pain in the ass to replace. If anyone has ideas on how to...
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awww nice yeah I love Van... Jax is a Weimaraner...cousin to the Vishla...Weims are bigger
Tear! Yesterday was my last snowboarding adventure of the year. Went up to Mt Baker in Washington, and had a really good time. No injuries to report, the only casualty seems to be my house keys, which are currently MIA. As for the hill, was not busy at all, gorgeous weather, almost too warm because the hill was starting to get slushy near the end...
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Snowboarding at Mt. Baker this weekend with some friends, should be fun. I've never been state side to snowboard but I'm finding it's cheaper than hitting the hills in Canada, which is sad for me frown Keep people posted on the conditions (though from the report I read, there is lots of powder and still over 3m in base).

Also might hit up the Taboo Sex...
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WOW looks like you did some research on my blogs smile Thank you kindly I am hoping things go smoothly, there is still a lot to be done and time is flying by!

Have fun boarding and celebrating your b day cutie!
Such a beautiful day today, 16 in the city, 18 in the lower mainland. Drove out to Burnaby to get some shopping done, then jumped on the skytrain to Van and walked around on Robson and took in the sun. Also managed some good people watching courtesy of a great Starbucks window. Home time, with a quick stop off to get the god-daughters some new...
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I was at candle light hatha tonight
Hatha is so really fun and relaxing! I've never done a candle light hatha class though... interesting. I always do my best to not fall asleep at the end while in corpse pose, lol...
Today, learned the valuable experience of taking little kids to the water park! lol... I'm talking instant pass out and immediate "quiet time" without fighting or complaining. Since it was Sunday, it was also really cheap since it was Sunday. After nap time, a little hide and seek and pretending to be a dinosaur and then lights out for the day! LOL! It was lots...
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Post St. Paddy's day is always interesting to see how your friends are feeling, who made an ass out of themselves, and any other Shenanigans that you could have missed out on. For the record, I ended the night by playing Mario Party on the Wii as a drinking game - and since I've never played before it was a bit dangerous. No hangover though...
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