
I wish I lived in Chicago..or at least could visit.

check out this site. I think it sums up several of my friends pretty well. oddtodd.com
I went to the Art Institute and studied multimedia
Hey you

I checked out some of yer photos, especially like the child one and the "tub girl"

I tried to get Poppy to write for us....but alas.

So fucking cold today!!!
Ahh, back to the grime, crime, and slime of city life. After 2 weeks away in redneck TN, the hoards of shitty people are somehow more bearable than usual. In no time though, I'm sure I'll grow to hate Atlanta once again. At this one moment in time I understand only these 3 things:

1.) chloe is beautiful

2.) everyone I know is on drugs...
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mmm fucking the dead.......havent seen that too often in movies
Ahhh, another "atlanta" member...there are a few of us....
Artpunk is in ansentia for a moment, and so was I

Phtotgraphy, eh..where at?

Pixies, weezer, last unicorn...smile

Lord of the Rings superdork?
I am, and I love it damnnit.
we even, erm, might have friends who play,
erm, dungeons and dragons, and magic...

life is sometimes not so cool, so why not play in your own fantasy world for while?

Ever seen The Necromantic movies? or Die Toten King?
Lots of dead fucking...totally incredible german films shot in 8mm, with incredible instrumental only soundtracks, and really fucking creepy cinematography...worth it.

Rent it today! but not if you have a weak stomach, or a girlfriend with a weak stomach. It is rather fucked up.

Favorite photographers?
Nan Goldin, Andre Kertesz...Bellouq!
So, now here I am all alone in Atlanta. Both my best friends are off visiting their respective families in the tropical U.S., and I am left here to rot. Suck. But in 4 days I get to drive to the County Music Capital of the world to visit my clan and exchange meaniless retail items, so my isolation will only be brief. Goin to...
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you need to head to that club in Atlanta...can;t remember the name, but there is a three level dance area:purgatory, heaven and hell. The band THE INPOTENT SEASNAKES own it...shit, what is the name of that place...damn. I belive Thursday nights are the best...f-bombs my memory is slipping. Ok, some help I am.
its the Masquerade. but they dont do the heaven and hell thing anymore
Yes, here I am in my self made Two Towers shirt. I know, I know....I kick ass.

The movie, of course, was overwhelming. The only decision I can seem to come to is: dude, you gotta see it again tommorrow.

-the truely gifted never sleep-
Yeah, saw the midnight show on Tuesday, going again tonight, I'll probably go again this weekend...it's worth it.
hello dorkus maximus, heheh I love that.
Im going to see two towers this weekend, yupppeee.
Ahh .... laundry night. After my white t-shirt comes out of the dryer, the markers come out - have to make my "Frodo Lives" shirt for the premiere tommorow night. But now I'm gonna go headbang to Ugly Kid Joe ( found a CD while going through old things).

Ugly Kid Joe? Why?
What about the first Body Count CD?
I know you've got it somewhere
het your hands on a 4x5... it will make you a potrait ninja.

once again I go and fuck up my chances before i ever have a chance

-was at this party last night, right? My buddy introduces me to this girl he knows. She is beautiful. She's really smart, studies forensics, wears a cool hat, the whole nine yards... anyway...so I've been looking for a chick that doesn't have quite as many vices as my previous...
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there will be other chances.
it was probably best... why do you want to change for somebody? be who you are and if she has a problem with it at first chances are it'll be a difficult hurdle to cross, but dont put on an act. i can tell you from numerous experiences thats bad news. but thats just my humble opinion... btw what sort of photography do you do?
Today is a new day. I had originally decided to not renew my membership to Suicide Girls...but then I couldn't look at all the hot chicks. So, I will remain. I dont think I've ever had bad luck on Friday the 13th. Maybe I'll get lucky and get in an accident on the way to work.

oh, and go here..my friends' band

Chester Boom
Where once was light, now darkness falls.
Where once was love, love is no more.
Don't say goodbye.
Don't say I didn't try.

These tears we cry, are falling rain.
For all the lies you told us... the hurt, the blame.
And we will wait to be so alone.
We are lost, we can never go home.

So in the end, I'll be what I...
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Yes, it is fun. I think I'm closing in on 700 albums!

Kick ass!

im sorry
Cloudy nights make for poor meteor shower viewing. I am rather upset w/ missing all the shooting stars 2 nights ago. I suppose I'll have to get over it and drag myself through another 4 weeks of classes until my sweet, sweet winter break begins. I plan to spend the time watching The Two Towers over and over (of course), drinking, and trying to find...
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You're such a good friend...
Nice taste!
I have never joined a site like this before, but at the constant nagging of my associate Brandon (who has no money) I got us a membership. So, hello to anyone reading this. My name is Jesse and I am living in the dirty south... well actually I live in a rich, yuppy subburb of the dirty south...though my apt. is in a smelly basment....
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Welcome. Don't scare anyone and we'll love you like one of our own.
Welcome. You'll love it almost as I love your big kissy lips.