Ever wake up from a dream that seemed so real that you are pissed off at everyone and everything around you. Yeah, that's how today is starting....that's always a great sign. I don't know what's going on these days, but it's hard to have a clear head when even your brain fucks with you when you sleep.
i have those days like 3-4 times a week. sometimes i wake up happy because i had a very vivid dream of something good happening. then i realize it was a dream and get pissed. sleep is lame frown
Things have been pretty crazy on all fronts recently. This new year could end up many ways and I can only hope it turns out well in the end.
Happy Labor Day
hey dude!!!!
just wanted to say hi and thanks for joining the Bouncing Souls group...if you got any stories, or reviews, or anything to say about the band, please let us know!! biggrin

thanks! biggrin
My buddy Dave and his fiance are getting married this weekend. I got a job. We're looking at houses to rent. I'm fixing my truck again, trying to at least. I was on TV today. We're going to the Milestone and hanging out for Dave's wedding tomorrow. Things are pretty good.
Tomorrow my girlfriend's coming home and we're going to see the Adolescents with the Street Dogs at the Cat's Cradle. We're going to see an old SHARP friend and his new girl and new crew. It's gonna be a good time and when I get back, my girlfriend will be here. Things seem to be pointed in the right direction for once. I leave you...
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Well it looks like we're probably going to get screwed out of that house. My girlfriends mom had surgery today, and everything seems to have gone well. I'm kinda pissed about the house, but who knows. Oh yeah this is pretty interesting... >

World War III
Thanks for your comment on my last set! kiss
We're going to look at a house today, it's 5 bedrooms, 2 baths with a fenced in yard for the dog and a deck in the back all for around $995/month so that's pretty kick ass. The world is slowly edging towards a new imminent war which kind of sucks, but at least it's exciting to live through history. See you all in Syria and...
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the house sounds great. i think i will start building my bunker sometime soon surreal
I miss my girlfriend. She's not here anymore and that sucks really bad. The last time I saw her was pure chaos. It all felt like a bad dream. Things between the two of us are fine, but let's just say, I don't think her family thinks highly of me, but then again her mom isn't the sane-ist person around. Things have been REAL crazy...
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I hate trying to be a nice guy and do what's right and getting nothing in return. I try not to ask for much, but I guess I should just learn not to ask for anything at all and expect to be disappointed.
Hello to anyone reading. Things have been looking up compared to last week. I'm pretty hopeful about some job prospects, my roommates and I are looking at a house tomorrow, and things with my girlfriend are getting better. I bought a big bookshelf the other day and put it together this morning. I spent a majority of the day organizing my books. Hope everyone has...
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What a shitty fucking day. My girlfriend's mom is absolutely insane and I can't stand her. It seems like everytime I have something planned or want to do something with my girlfriend her mom is there to stop it. Unfortunately, she lives with her mom and is looking at apartments and trying to find roommates. I try to be a good guy and I try...
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