Ok ok ok....I know I suck at keeping blogs. So here I bring you an update!

The holidays were ok. I managed to make out with a new serger. So I've been spending the last few months trying to create all the stuff and junk that comes to mind. My room is almost finished being set up into some semblence of a studio. Speaking of...
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No, it's not odd, I thought it cute as well. Are you going to post photos of the new mermaids? kiss
Yeah we use the M9... I'm so excited I can't wait biggrin
SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! A lot of time has elapsed since my last post and boy too much has happened to post here! HOWEVER! I thought I might throw down my workings from the month of October as it is my favorite month containing my most favorite of holidays.

Halloween is my most favorite holiday and to tell you the truth folks, I plot and plan all year...
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Painted_Lady said:
I don't have one as of yet! HOWEVER! I intend on getting a smashed fairy on my bum. I want to make it look like I sat on it!

u should check out lady cottington's pressed fairy book by brian froud smile

Think you might be over due for an update.... just a thought.
SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! A lot of time has elapsed since my last post and boy too much has happened to post here! HOWEVER! I thought I might throw down my workings from the month of October as it is my favorite month containing my most favorite of holidays.

Halloween is my most favorite holiday and to tell you the truth folks, I plot and plan all year...
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Hey folks, it's been awhile! I thought I might update for all of you guys that still bother to read this silly thing. I just got back from a trip to Maui. Turns out my two elderly aunties may not be around for very long so my Grandmother, Aunt, Mother, and I decided we should go see them. It made me sad to see that...
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hey sorry, its been so long since i have been able to write, we have been REALLY busy here and time seems to be something we dont have much of. just wanted to say hi and see how you were doing. i hope you get that jewelry going soon, i will buy some from ya!

Happy Halloween
Hey kiddies, it's been awhile since I have updated so I figured I might as well stop by and post. Due to the fact that some one was incredibly stupid...I am back in Hawaii. Thus far I love my new house, hate the fact that I had to come home early because my puppy is now in quarantine, am in the middle of a group...
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Hi PL I miss ya.....cute doggies..... kiss
Well Kiddies! Been super busy lately with traveling and my new PUPPY!!!!!! That's right! I now have a three month old solid black great dane named Lulu Garou (french for werewolf because that's how big she's gonna be). She is huggable, lovable, and huge. I am totally in love with her! Granted it puts a dent a little with freedom to travel but eh....it's worth...
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I so fuckin love you man. YOUR HAWK IS AWESOME. You even look hotter, I did not think that was possible! I totally did the rock face in my set for you!!!!! While the pic was being taken I said this is for PL. So silly I know, but man I feel like you really truly are one of my best friends. So RAWK the HAWK my beautiful friend........... kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss I missed the hell outta you!
Cute doggy BTW! wink smile ooo aaa
Where are you?
Where is the hawk?
I miss you!!!!!!!!! kiss kiss kiss
It has been a really long time since I dropped by your journal, how are you doing?♥
So, no Kennywood. Poop on that! However I've been told I get to check out white castle and six flags when we go to Indiana! YEAH! It seems as though everything going on now is a building towards the road trip next month. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about it....I just wouldn't mind a few new adventures to happen prior to it.

My serger...
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helping that girl sounds really nice!
wow you really have a lot of metal on you! hehe
i really want some. i was thinking of guaging my ears but i have to wait till im out of the fucking millitary. booo on the millitary! hooray beer! hehe
just wanted to drop a line and say hi.
i hope you have fun on your road trip and that your having fun in pa also.
if you ever wanted to go on a small like day trip or whatever look up a place call worlds end park. im not sure exacally where it is but it is beautiful there
take care

I'm writing this while waiting for pain killers to make my face stop hurting. It turns out that hot pockets weren't lying about the hot part. Molten hot magma cheese burned my lip and now I look like I caught a nasty case of the gift that keeps on giving after a week in Thailand. GAH! I hope it gets better soon.

So I...
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well i think we have all done the hot cheese thing once or if your like me i didd it twice! hehe. it may have something to do with the weather or something in the water in pa!!! well i hope you get better!!
oooh nice and shiny !!!! biggrin biggrin
dude go click the link in my journal you'll laugh your ass off kiss