New Years was insane, I was in New York. Had a great time meeting people that I most like won't get to see again. And yes, even if I did that's a lot of booze to think back through. It was still an awesome time, now to get onto business with 2012!
It's the day before Christmas and it feels like any other day off. I sit in my room and surf the web. Seems to me the holly jolly spirit of Christmas left with puberty. I really enjoy the excitement of New Years though. It's a much greater gift than anyone can buy you on Christmas, which is a brand new start. You get a whole...
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I've been back from the west and the beautiful Mid west for a week now and I'm already back on the job. December is a short work month however, so I can't be to disappointed to be back. Biggest news right now: my trip to New York for New Years. Personally the New Year means a lot more to me than Christmas. New Years is...
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Look out everybody, I'm taking a break from work and coming to place near you! Well that is if you're in Phoenix or Chicago....Flying out and getting some much needed rest and relaxation. Perhaps I can finally get my iPods fixed when I get out there too. The cheeky things don't want to work at all it's frustrating!
My rolling stones finally downloaded again, but Bon Jovi's on the mic. It's good times in room 102; about to head out with the guys and get some food.
I met my last girlfriend/ fuck buddy around this time, it's a relationship that needed to end but I'm still a little bummed about it. No need to stay that way though, I've got good friends and booze, that's a lot more than a lot of people have. My buddy just came down to watch Nikita (a little on the cheesy, except when Maggie Q...
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Dos Equis 12 pack has now been drained and work starts up tomorrow, that makes me a sad panda. Well everyday is just another day to saturday I guess.
Just got DDR and a dance pad, that game is so much fun! Playstation 2 is the best system ever!