
Well as busy as my life has been recently it doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon. Work has pretty much exploded and we aren't going to slow down until about June, this includes lots of evening recordings and a crap ton of editing to do.

Lets see outside of work I just finished the Muddy Buddies race this past weekend in...
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I received a e-mail with a offer of acceptance for my safety graduate school. OH, and did I mention its in PERTH, AUSTRALIA!!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!

If I get into my first choice school then I'll be freaking stoked!
Vacation Update:

Day Three:

Wake up, coffee and breakfast. By 10 I'm on the trail for a few miles of hiking. Lunch was beef tips cooked in hot coals, and it was glorious. Following the hike out, I went to a bar and had beers with my friend before we went and saw hot tub time machine it, was freaking awesome. Everyone go see it,...
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Week long vacation. Day two, started off with a great cup of coffee. By noon, I have a drink in hand and a great lunch. Using time off is great. Lots of stress has been lifted.
So heres the rub.

I've started applying to graduate school. In Australia! No shit. University of Sydney is my first pick, but I have some safeties picked out. Been working on this for a few weeks now, and am still finding new things I have to do for applications. Not only school applications but scholarships and even a grant.

Today I sent out for 4...
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Apply to grad school. Need my Masters. Will be forced to move if I get accepted. HOLY CRAP!
Being young and single should be some of the best times of your life. However, there are days and or nights where that freedom is traded in for loneliness and bitterness.

Bit of background ever since high school I have always gotten along with a older crowd. Additionally my parents raised my sister and I with a philosophy of get out and experience the world...
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My parents had a similar philosophy as yours. So I likewise didn't have any great burst of freedom and insanity when I went to college. In some ways that was a good thing. In other ways, it hindered my ability to relate to people at college. On balance, of course, we can't change who we are.

Nearly all of the women I encountered in my early twenties wanted to settle down. Most wanted to move quickly through the stages of relationships and start planning the rest of their lives. At the time, I didn't know what I wanted in a relationship, so I was frightened by these women who wanted an immediate commitment. Thankfully, I met some men and women who were interested in what I was looking for. But it wasn't until grad school that I started to run with a more like minded crowd.

I do think that a lot of people are frustrated and alone. Most people don't know what they want and that leads to issues.
Dude, I need some company before I lose another layer of my mind.
Well needless to say I fail at meeting goals for blog updates. Camping was freaking awesome, had a good time getting out of town for a few days. We are planning on taking our climbing shoes with us on the next trip in case we come across some kick ass bouldering spots. This was determined after we passed the 4th awesome spot on our first...
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I owuld love to go camping as well! But its so freezing here now
I leave for the trail tomorrow morning. Will be out for three days and two nights, Saturday may get wet 40% chance of rain. I'll up date on Monday.

Why no hot chocolate?!
Fairly good day yesterday. Work was a bit of a downer but otherwise fairly good.

Found out Dethklock will be in town October 31, freaking awesome tickets on sale Saturday. Went to the driving range with a few co-workers lots of awesome there and ended it up with a sandwich and a few rounds at a local watering hole.

Weekend packed full of awesome to...
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Traffic court in 1.5 hours. Update after the court crap. You suck cops.